edit: My online best friend Mary just sent me a link. HOLY. MOLY…. i want to take him home FOREVER. HOT HOT HOT! :love: :love: :love: UMPH UMPH!! Take if off, TAKE IT ALL OFF, lmao. *DROOL*

I was talking to my Mom yesterday about how FAST this year has gone by! Tomorrow is the 1st day of May?! Insanity! I’m so excited though, I love Spring and Summer!!! :D :D

Ugh.. looks like our computer payment is gonna be a few days late to the company which means more charges. STUPID! We didn’t have the money to send it in earlier. See, It’s my Moms credit.. she signed up for the Dell card for us so we could get our new computers back last October. The check says before the 1st on it, they should not charge If it arrives to their offices a few days after the 1st, THAT’S LAME. I hope we don’t mess up my Moms excellent credit.. :upset:

I think I’m gonna add a section about my online work place – ChaCha and also a section for my Lord of the Rings online screenshots and information! I will also eventually get some kindof content for visitors but I really don’t know what I want to do what that yet.

I’ll go ahead and give you a preview of what the LOTRO looks like… it’s a very, very pretty game!!! pic of either sunset or sunrise not sure which lol. Beautiful graphics! I also am involved in a “Kinship” which is the LOTRO version of a “Guild” and I have wonderful people in my Kinship! :thumbsup: The game also has a really interesting music system! You play an instrument with the numbers 1-8 with diff notes then hold Control + a number for the low notes and Shift + a number for higher range notes LOL It’s awesome! I was attempting to play a few songs… haha. Still need a little work lol.

Brad has been really upbeat and happy these last few days and gosh, that makes me even more happy to see him so smiley!!! :) We had a silly, fun weekend together and I hope his Monday work day has gone alright.. he should be home in about 25 minutes or so! Sheesh and It is hot today, gonna be almost 90 today and tomorrow! Then they forecasted rain for the rest of the week and weekend but we NEED the rain here really badly!!! It’s been too dry! Speaking of Brad and happyness, last night It was HOT in our apartment so we went outside and eventually went and sat in the grass in the backyard and he took some pics of plants, trees and flowers. I loooove just sitting outside, I really miss it!!!!

Well, off to eat my (late) lunch (like always lol), work in ChaCha a little more then when Brad gets home… LOTRO time!!!! Have a great afternoon! *waves goodbye to April*
P.S. the new fall out boy cd is awesome! most of the songs are so rockin and upbeat, woo!!! :cool: