Ugh, It’s been such a gloomy, rainy day! Don’t like gloomy days either. I like my sunshine and warm weather! Come back warm weather wherever you went! I’m waiting for summer to get here so I can venture out and go SWIMMING! I’m hoping to get a bit of a tan this year and to also see about getting Katie interested in swimming too. Hopefully she’ll take to it like a fish like I did because that would be great.

Yesterday and today I just have not felt 100% and so I hope I’m not getting sick. I thought yesterday I was just having a bit of a down day but then I had this sign and that sign to tell me that I might be heading towards getting sick. I took some Tylenol last night and think I might again tonight. Had a much easier time exercising today as well. Brad didn’t do his exercise this morning and actually told me while he was at work today that he felt ‘blah’ because he didn’t exercise and I told him, ya, that will happen! Hopefully tomorrow he will get back on but he has to do it himself.

I’m contemplating chicken, mashed potatoes and peas for dinner. I have a few other choices but that sounds gooood. Tonight is The Biggest Loser! Yes! My motivation show, whooo! Nothing too big happened today. Surprise, surprise! I cleaned our baby turtles little tank not too long ago. I don’t think I’ve mentioned our turtle on here? He’s so tiny! Love the little guy. We just call him Mr. Turtle, lol. Original right??? Haha. I’m working on a new layout IDEA. Might take me a long time to get it together but we’ll see. Tomorrow is April 1st?!? How did that happen so fast? This year has really taken off! I’m glad, BRING ON SUMMER!!!!