I feel so warm-hearted when I read her website. I can’t really even explain how I felt reading through her entries and stories of her life, her babies, her courage and struggle.. yet management to handle it all very well. Makes me think about my life. I really cannot wait to start a family with Brad. I want to have children and raise them with the usual Mommy and Daddy way, unlike me, who never knew what It meant to have a Dad or to be raised by my biological Mother. I want that so much for my children and I’m gonna try my hardest to make it a great one for them. I can’t wait to have a baby to hold and cherish and call ours. There are quite a lot of Mommies on the Internet and I’ve read through quite a lot of their sites and it makes me even more eager to have my own little person. :)

/end my warm and fuzzy ramble. Heh :D

In Daxter related news! We got his registered papers in the mail today! YAY my little pom-pom is now registered!!! :grinny: A few days ago, on the 23rd, he turned 3 months!! He’s such a spunky little puppy. Puppy.. spunky? Who would of thought! Hah. I also gave him a bath just when Brad came in from work. Attempted to comb and blowdry him and he got a hold of the towel and started tugging and growling, lol. It was quite funny and definetly way cute. It’s quite hard to brush him because he is quite the hyper little guy and wants to bite and nip and bounce the whole time – hence making it almost impossible to brush him. I finally got him all brushed and dryed and bless his tiny little Pomeranian bones… he still doesn’t have a lot of fur on his face so he still looks like a little werewolf, rofl. :loopy: The 2 things he enjoys doing to amuse himself in his cage is chewing on, chasing his orange O shaped rubber chew toy and chewing on his little raw hide stick. :cool: Another thing that pretty much makes me giggle is I’ll talk baby talk to him, he’ll give me this look then bark and each time barking towards the ceiling! OH, oh! When he gets to barkin too much, I get the spray bottle and point it at him and say, “STOP!” He looks at me then goes to the corner and puts his head down and rubs his paw over his head! How funny is that?? :grinny: :AWW: He keeps my day interesting, most of the time. I’m really glad we were able to get him!

Ah yes, now onto talk about some of my favorite shows.. Bones and American Idol! Bones was yet another great episode. Pretty touching and sad but just overall a heart-felt episode. Gah, you people should really watch that show!! IT HAS DAVID BOREANAZ in it! It’s so good… and not only because of David but the whole cast is amazing in my eyes. As for American Idol, OH MY FREAKKKKKING GOSH. Chris… Tuesday night BLEW THAT FRIGGIN SONG OUT OF THE WATER!!!!!! He did an AMAZING job, I almost cried. I knew If America got him voted off, I was going to scream at the TV. Then tonight, byebye Miss Pickler. I saw this one coming, pretty much. I have a feeling that It’s gonna be a pretty tough call between Chris, Katherine and Elliot but that’s just my opinion. Paris is pretty good but I don’t know – I just have a feeling about her. Brad and I agree that Taylor is good but just not good enough compared to the others. Sooooooo! I’m excited to see how this whole thing is gonna come down. If Chris really, really works hard, gives his all EVERY TIME and stays on top, I think he just might win! Then again, he or anyone else could have a case of “not-good-enough” and wind up going home so ya never know but I am DEFINETLY cheering for Chris! :D

Onto a slightly more ick topic. Brad didn’t have such a good day. He came home and said he didn’t want me to get upset but today had been just about the worst day for him. Sometimes I feel sorry for Brad and the absolute CRAP he has to put up with at that factory. He got hit in the shin today because a motorhome door came off it’s hinges and hit him. I swear, he gets hit by off-hinged motorhome doors almost daily. He’s been hit on the front of his face, the top AND back of his head, his (face) cheek and now his shin. Stupid doors and their off-hingy.. ness. This evening, he got online and looked at Monster.com. He wants to get a new job and asked If I would be willing to relocate and I said, “Yeah! Sure! As long as we can find a place where I can have my babies.” (meaning all of our animals) He replied, “Oh yeah, of course!” :) :D That would be so exciting to live somewhere pretty awesome and have a decent house or apartment while making great money. Hopefully we’ll have that soon. Hope, hope, hope!

We didn’t do much Tuesday. He went and took all our laundry to his Grandparents house coz they said they would be willing to do it for us since we have to use the laundrymat. I don’t mind going to the laundrymat but Brad would rather take them over to his Grandparents so either way I’m happy coz the laundry gets done. Hahaha, Tuesday night, Brad and I got on the subject about French people and then Brad talked about how they only eat like bread, fish, wine and crap. Then he said that he wonders if the French just take their fish (as in right out of the pond or wherever) and dip it in mayo and EAT IT. I’m like.. “What the hell???! Yeah, Brad, I’m sure they just take raw fish, dip it in mayo and STUFF it in their faces, bones and all and go MMMM!!!” He about died laughing and had the hiccups at the same time, lol. It was hilarious. :teeth: Then brought up the subject that the fish would still be flopping after being dipped in mayo and stuffed in their mouths and THEN they twirl their French mustache. Hahaha. Brad cracks me up. After he was finally done laughing so much, he looked at me lovingly and said that he loves it when I make him laugh and the fact that we laugh together and can joke around. Heh. Also, he said I was really funny. What a sweetie. I’m glad I can make him laugh like that, lol. :)

I feel really happy right now. After reading so many different peoples sites that have babies and then thinking about Brad and our relationship and all the good times we’ve shared. All the good memories.. I feel really good. :) Another thing that has made me feel good today is the TEMPERATURE!!! It stormed a bit last night then came the colder air and WOO has it felt great!!!!!!!!! I don’t think the sun was out today and so It was just a bit windy but mostly cool and just mostly awesome. Right now my feet are slightly chilly but I’m even loving that. Before I forget.. on my animal page, there are 14 animals and we have 15 but I don’t have Brad’s dog Buddy on there coz I don’t have a good pic of him yet. He’s always too hyper and obnoxious when we go around him to try to get a decent close-up picture. Silly dog.

Speaking of babies.. my best friend from High School, Krista, had her 2nd baby on the 23rd I believe. She already has a little boy who is just a tiny bit over a year old and now she has a little girl. I feel for her though. From what I hear, the guy she’s with (the babies Daddy) isn’t really all that… great? supportive? I just know he’s not exactly the best guy to be the Daddy of any babies. She chose to be with him thought so yeah. We don’t really talk anymore, which, is a shame since we used to be really, really close.

Since this entry has been long enough I’m gonna go update a few things on here then get myself something to drink since my throat is dry! Hope you guys are having a great week and have a wonderful Thursday! :) :grinny: :MUAH: