I’ve always loved bananas! I espically used to love to make myself a daily banana sandwich with a good bit of mayo. Now that I’m into this new lifestyle of mine, I have half a banana in the morning and the rest in the late afternoon! I’d say the banana is my favorite fruit. I knew all fruits were good for you and you always hear, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away!” but Brad sent me an article just on the lovely banana! Click here to find out what the banana can do for you! I called Mom yesterday and was talking about all the benefits of bananas that I read on that article. Her reply? “If it does all that I need a whole truckload of bananas” Haha!! When I was eating honey nut cheerios, I added a bit of fresh banana to the cereal and that was pretty good.

Well, here we are, half-way through the week already! Last night Brad & I ate dinner while watching The Biggest Loser. Brad also asked me before we watched the show If I would do some exercises with him afterwards and I said sure! After the show & dinner, we both attempted push ups and sit ups, lol. I could only do 2 full body push ups and then I tried some on my knees. I don’t like sit ups at all haha. Can’t complain about today either. After my exercise today I did a couple jumping jacks and like 2 push ups. I can definetly feel it in my mid section. That’s an area I’m really gonna have to work on. I’d eventually like to have a flat stomach! :shock:

Tomorrow and Friday Brad is off work, wooo! Would say we could try to go to the park but It’s supposed to rain and even possibly storm until SUNDAY! Boooooo! Okie, I’m gonna go clean our baby turtles tank out! Have a good rest of Wednesday!