Woops. We were planning on going to church this morning but overslept! We did have some quality time together… If you get my drift! After Katie’s breakfast, we didn’t do too much. I fixed a few various foods for me for the week then while Brad watched Katie – I did another colon clean out. After all that was done, Brad helped me make my lemon, ginger and aloe vera shake! It was actually pretty good. Katie went down pretty late this afternoon for her nap. She’s usually down by atleast 2:30 but it was after 3 when she went down today. She finally woke up around 6pm and so I got her up and tried to get her to eat dinner… she took a few bites then wanted nothing more of it! Fine.. fine… I wanted us to walk to the park and let her play again so that’s what we did!! We got there a little after 7pm and she played, climbed and went down slide after slide, lol. She pitched a fit when we loaded her back in the stroller but not as bad as Friday evening.

It was a nice walk home.. the temperature outside was decent and the sky was pretty. I love taking her to the park and seeing her play. Been a very good day!!! So thankful, grateful and blessed for my life and my Heavenly Father! About to fix dinner, relax and start working on my school work for the upcoming week. I love to get a head start!!

OH and! Brad’s been bugging me for a while to learn a language with him. I LOVE French! I took 2 years of it in High School and was gonna take more but that’s all they offered at the time sooo yeah. He’s been flip flopping on which language he’s wanting to learn and finally he settled with French since I love it and he wants something that I will learn with him. BUUUUUUT. I made a deal with him since I’ve been wanting him to do stuff with me too and he didn’t in the past! Here’s the deal: he exercises 5 days a week then I will learn more French with him. If he quits, I quit. Fair deal to me! =) That’s why the title of the post is French! It means I love you.