Sorry I haven’t updated in almost a week! I’ve just been slacking on the blogging. Brad got his new schedule for work. Did I already mention this? Not sure. Anyhow, he works Mon-Wed, is off Thur-Fri then works Sat and off Sun! Kindof a skip around schedule but he likes it. And can I just say that he really has matured in these last few months — he’s such a wonderful husband and my best, best, best, best, best friend. I’m close family wise with my Mom but Brad is the closest person ever to me. We know each other so well and I really and truly think we were made for one another. He’s my babe.

Yesterday was a good day. Went to Church and found out that one of the guys from Church just moved into a trailor and was in need of items for his place so when we got home, Brad and I looked to see what he would get up for him. Called him and he came over to get the items then when he was talking to Brad somehow laundry came up and he said he needed to wash a load so Brad invited him over to wash – which is fine. He came back, put in his load and we all sat and talked for a few hours. It was nice to have someone over! He’s 21 so that’s a plus that he’s in our age group! After his clothes dryed, he said bye and left! Brad left also to go help a guy from Church with his computer & was gone about 1 1/2 hour? Came back home and we ate dinner. Last night we were playing on the Wii and had a blast!!

Also, last night after I fed Katie her bottle and baby cereal, she was so happy! TOMORROW SHE IS 6 MONTHS! WHATTTT?? :shock: Can’t believe it. Woot I get to start her on juice and baby food! I can’t WAIT! She wants to sit up so bad but isn’t strong enough yet so I usually prop her up on the couch or hold her up on the floor and let her play with her toys. Last night when I changed her diaper before bed — she found her feet! Haha. Was trying to put them in her mouth LOL. Hilarious. She’s taking a nap right now and I’m finishing up my lunch. Know what’s cool? My Mom has passed down a LOT of my baby items back to me for Katie. She gave me a whole bag full of my baby rattlers! I’ve got them soaking in soapy water now just to make sure their clean so Katie can play with them. I’ve also got a few trash bags FULL of my old stuffed animals that Katie can have when she’s old enough to play with them. I think that’s so neat. Also, Mom let me have back my ponytail of HAIR from my very 1st BIG haircut back in middle school, lol. Weird but kindof interesting.

If we can get some money put back and maybe If Brad can get a Saturday off then we can go visit MOM YAAAAY. I really hope we can do that soon. If he CAN’T get a Saturday off anytime soon then we’ll just have to make a shorter trip but I don’t care, I just want to see MOM and she wants to see Katie soooooo very, very, very badly! I miss her and can’t wait to see her. :smile: