I cannot believe how many times I have GOOFED UP food/diet wise the last few weeks. *shakes head* I’M IN CONTROL – NO MORE, NO MORE, NO MORE. What happens is I wind up buying something I know I shouldn’t. Damnit.. I am determined to keep it straight for a MONTH then TWO MONTHS then on and on. I CAN DO THIS… I CAN DO THIS … if I keep messing up with my diet, I keep messing up my gym performance! I DON’T WANT THAT – HELLO WAKE UP AND SMELL THE WILLPOWER! Longest I’ve went lately is 2 weeks then wind up binging.

It’s been a great day! Got up and cleaned house, plus GUESS WHAT?! Brad took Katie outside, while I cleaned! IT WAS AWESOME. He took her out to try to help her learn how to ride her new bike. They stayed outside a long time and my neighbor even came to sit outside with them for a bit. Katie threw a huuuuuuge fit when she had to come in (of course). Got readyreadyready and took her to Mom’s then HIT THE GYM! STATS >>>

warmup, elliptical, 10 minutes, 1.30 miles, 107 calories
pectoral fly – 3X, 55lbs, 10 reps
pectoral rear – 3X, 40lbs, 10 reps
bicep curls – 3X, 40lbs, 10 reps
tricep extension – 3X, 40lbs, 10 reps
assisted dip/chin – 3X, 85lbs, 10 reps
overhead tricep in lunge – 3X, 12.5lbs, 10 reps
weighted crossover in lunge – 3X, 10lbs, 10 reps
low row – 3X, 55lbs, 10 reps
shoulder press – 3X, 30lbs, 10 reps
** free weights **
bent over row w/tricep kickbacks, shoulder press, pinwheel, bicep curls w/upright rows, shrugs, lateral raise – 10lbs till MAX
virtual bike – 12 minutes, 2.91 miles, 101 calories
TREADMILL!!! – 35 minutes, 2.48 miles, 317 calories

Brad was really being goofy/silly/absurd today for some reason… hah. I knew I felt different at the gym for some reason?? By the time I got over by the free weights then I remembered! I FORGOT to drink my pre-workout formula at home. Grrr.. woops. Of course because of my POOR dietary choices yesterday my legs (once again) felt heavy/tight on the bike and esp. on the treadmill, but I PUSHED FORWARD. We left the gym and went to Best Buy for a bit before heading off to Whole Foods again and I went ahead and bought some CLEAN whey isolate protein powder that was on SALE! I thought about cutting out whey protein but I think I’ll be fine, as long as I buy the clean stuff, versus the usual stuff at Wal-Mart. I also got my coconut Kefir and coconut water kefir to put in my shakes. Last stop was usual Wal-Mart, where we got Katie a new radio+cd player boombox for her room, plus a few other things. Came back to Mom’s to hang out and talk for a while before bringing Katie home for bath+bed. Brad bought STEAKS and cooked one tonight and I had a small portion… soo good, I haven’t had steak in FOREVER.

Time to get a shower, study for my church lesson for the kiddos tomorrow, and get some sleep! I’m feeling good right now!! =) I know the last month or so I have been trying to stick to my food plan and then giving in… rinse repeat BUT I AM DETERMINED TO DO THIS RIGHT! Gotta stay FOCUSED.

I am sooooo thankful, grateful, and blessed for everything Heavenly Father has given me and I KNOW I can reach my goals with HIS help, if I just believe and keep going. I WON’T STOP TILL I REACH MY GOALS.