HI HI HI. What a beautiful Friday we have over here in Georgia!!! Well, I am now on day 8 of no caffeine and yes I am telling a positive difference, but still have a ways to go. Like I mentioned before, I think it’s gonna be around ~2 weeks before I feel a huuuge benefit. I’m still kindof hazy/dazy in the mornings and feel a little like that now, but I have more motivation, little bits of time frames where I feel better “energy” and I was even laughing/joking around with Brad this morning, lol. VERY GOOD SIGN for me! Brad’s been in a real slump lately… he’s been taking niacin to try to combat his anxiety and he’s gonna start taking 5-htp again, since that helps restore seretonin levels in the brain. He tried one of my appecurb pills yesterday (has some 5-htp in it) and said it made him feel peaceful and dazed out. I just want him to feel awesome too, but I know he needs to kick the caffeine as well.

I CANNOT BELIEVEEE tomorrow is Katie’s 5th birthday! NO WAIIII. Got some of her presents already, but gonna buy most of them tomorrow and hopefully get her big girl bed, bring it home, and get everything set up and surprise her that evening. We’ll have a little get together at my Mom’s Sunday evening to celebrate and I’ll buy stuff for that tomorrow as well. 5 years, huh? I’ll admit that I’m not the best with kids but I’ve worked hard to be better for Katie. I’m super proud of her… she can count up to 50, loves to sing (like me), loves My Little Pony, dinosaurs, and being outside (like me). I’m really stoked for her to start school this fall because I know she will love it and she’ll get to be around lots of other kids, which she needs.

Our ferret Echo is doing great, getting bigger & heavier haha. She is a mess and loves to play play play play and gets pretty wild, lol. She’s currently zonked out on one of the top platforms of her cage.

What else… um started using the extra virgin coconut oil for my face! It was just sitting in my pantry, since I don’t eat it anymore (use MCT oil instead) and so I figured, why not try it out on my face, since I’ve heard a lot of awesome benefits for the skin and can’t wait to see what kindof difference it makes over time.

I’ve been keeping track of my weight and body fat and I seem to be staying within a range and slowly going down, so keep going!!!!!!!!!! :) I’m trying to set some small goals for myself, in all areas of my life and trying to get the courage to just DO THEM and I know when I do I will feel more alive and empowered, but everyone knows that facing fears/challenges is, well, challenging! I’m ready!