Today was just the average day. It was still wet outside today from yesterday’s rain so I knew the playground would be wet so decided to hold off on taking Katie to the park even though I wanted to! Wanted to get out of the house. I washed some clothes this morning and of course made my green juices… listened to some music while Katie danced and played.

Day 3 of the partial juice cleanse… I’m getting a little more accustomed to the “green” taste, hah. The biggest problem so far is when I feel my stomach pretty empty but I try to drink a lot of water and of course the green juices plus a little sip of unsweetened almond milk here or there.

Seriously… it’s almost June?! I have no idea where this year went but It’s just been kindof a big BLAH blur.. not the good kind of fast either. June is going to be my rejuvenation month.

Feeling irritated again. Not going into details but just.. *sigh*