Well, my wound from biting the inside of my cheek is causing me hell. It’s also zapping on my immune system, so I literally feel weak and like I’m about to come down with a cold or sinus infection. PLZ NOOOOOO. I took vitamins and have been swishing with hot salt water, plus taking ibprofen to try to help this pain. IT SUCKS SO BAD and I just want to lay around.

I got my vitamin test kit in the mail yesterday – YIPPPEEE! I called Mom and we were gonna go do it Monday, but asked if she could do it NOW and she asked her friend (who has a car that isn’t old and run down, like Mom’s) and she said SURE. They came to pick me up & told my Aunt to get Katie off the bus in about an hour. Mom dropped her friend off at one place and then we drove over to the lab. Mom waited in the car, while I went inside. The lady took my blood and had to collect 2 HUGE vials worth. Well, one of the vials was not working so she switched arms to see if it was my vein, but nope it was the vial. She just used another empty vial to collect then poured it into the original vial. She got it all set up for me then said I needed to drop it off at a Fedex place. Uhhh, I didn’t know I would have to do that!? Then I remembered that Brad and I have been to a FedEx Office place nearby, so we drove over and the dropbox pickup wasn’t until 7:30pm last night, so I did it! I tracked it and the package arrived at the lab this morning. WOOHOO. Apparently, this spiffy high-tech test will take NINE days to complete. I wrote down for them to send my results via email then I guess I’ll meet with my Naturopath to see what vitamins and minerals I need to take. I’m stoked!!

I am NOT stoked, however, with Katie’s behavior at school today. As I mentioned above, my Aunt got her off the bus yesterday and then walked her back towards my Mom’s house. Well, she got her a cheap burger from McDonalds (BLECK!!!!!!), but it was still in the bag when I met up with them. Katie got upset cause she wanted to go see Granny, but I told her it was cold and we had to go home. She protested allllllll the way home and then continued when we got home. She eventually calmed down, ate a snack, we did homework, etc etc. Brad was out late with co-workers for dinner, so I put her to bed, but I heard her talking and playing so I had to go remind her to go to sleep. After Brad got home we still heard her in there. WELL, she has been a TERROR at school today. I got an email from her teacher saying she is coming home on red (bad) for many various reasons. I think her staying up late playing in her bed had a lot to do with it. I am sure there will be a dramatic scene once she gets off the bus, as she knows she has done wrong. Oooh boy.

Cheers to the weekend…. ??