We’ve gotten our fair share of rain today! Also a random few storms as well with some lightning and thunder in the mix. Insert pause here to feed Katie. I think her second top tooth is trying to poke through so she hasn’t been too happy today but for now she’s content playing with her toys. She’s walking more and more! Not 100% but almost! Can’t say I’ve had much of an eventful day really but just along with my usual routine. I’m still getting used to my new haircut but I do have to say that with the cut my hair is considerably softer! That’s always nice espically when my hair is usually not that soft being so coarse.

Brad and I have so much coming up to do! Sunday we have to travel out to meet with one of the guys from Tupelo for the big event coming up with us for the church. Monday Katie has a Doctors appointment and I’m also supposed to meet up with a lady from church to go visit other members at their own homes. Tuesday Brad always goes to meet up with the men from church and try to go out to visit families. On the 29th is the big event with the church for us.. we are going to go to the Birmingham Temple and I’m sure it will definetly be interesting but I look forward to being able to share that experience with Brad. I wish we could travel 2 more hours out to see my Mom! That would be wonderful but it’s already going to be one CRAZY busy day so I don’t think that’s such a good idea on that particular day but I wish.

I worked a little more on my new layout haha. I’ll get it done one day!!!! I *think* I figured out the main image but I just have to work on getting the rest of it coded and all put together. Brad and I are still watching The Tudors! It’s a pretty neat show and it’s cool to see Sam Neill again – makes me want to watch Jurassic Park!! Anyhow, I’m pretty hungry so I’m gonna fix my snack and PS I think I hear more thunder!