Since getting my eating under control the last few days, I have realized how BADLY I want to go as raw as possible. I said this a few posts ago, but I feel it so strongly! I’ve gotten such great inspiration from many, many, many various raw foodies on the Internet and to see how BEAUTIFUL, FIT, AND HEALTHY they are….. um YES PLEASE. I’m not 100% raw yet, since I still have some cooked veggies for dinner, but I am on my way. Being raw in our world today is one of the hardest things to do, since there is temptation at every single turn. People think raw foodist are crazy, but they are not!!!!!!! They are fully alive. Raw, LIVING FOODS such as fresh, ripe FRUITS, veggies, and herbs are the ultimate fuel for the human body and I believe this. I’ve been wanting to go raw for a long time, but my cravings/temptations/health issues have been always holding me back. NO MORE, NO MORE!

I’ve mostly been eating fruits and I AM LOSING WEIGHT. I’m gonna give this my all with willpower and faith. My health issues will work out if I give my body the nutrients it needs to heal. I drink green juice every day and there’s lots of goodies in that. People often ask “what about protein?!” Here’s a fun fact, the only protein we need is in the leafy greens. Truth. A while back, I wanted to start gobbling down lots of bananas in an attempt at the 80-10-10 lifestyle, but my body bloated up and I felt horrible so I gave up. It was probably just detox symptoms!!!! The hardest thing about trying to go raw is the fact that Brad & Katie aren’t and I have to fight, fight, fight, fight the temptations/cravings/urges to eat bad sugar/carbs. That’s where my cravings come in, but I LOVE FRUIT so I need to focus on THAT being my GOOD SUGAR.

Anyway, lol. I love talking about fruits, veggies, and love. Brad was off work today, so we just had a chill day. Katie went to visit my Mom while we went out for groceries. I got lots of fruits, some veggies, and DATES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I friggin love dates and I cannot wait to add them to my daily “banana ice cream” I make! We got stuck in a traffic jam on the way back, but we finally made it through and went to Target, since Brad got a gift certificate from work! We bought vitamins, batteries, and Brad got an energy drink and mints….. lol woohoo right?? Haha.

Merry Christmas EVE EVE!!!!