Today was almost a repeat of yesterday, but it has been a good day! =) I went back to sleep for a bit this morning and like I do sometimes – I slept later than intended, woops but WOW, I was OUT. Awesome!!!!!! I got some college work done then later on Katie went down for her nap. I got a couple of things done, including writing in my LJ, cooking / eating lunch and attempting to call my Mom, but no answer! Went to see my neighbor for a bit before coming back to cook. Finally got a hold of Mom, but she was about to leave so I’ll call her tomorrow or might have to wait till Friday, lol. We went to the gym again tonight, wahooooo! Back at the groove. STATS >>>

warmup, elliptical, 11 minutes, 1.03 miles, 113 calories
calf extensions – 3X, 70lbs, 10 reps
leg extensions – 3X, 70lbs, 10 reps
glute – 3X, 70lbs, 10 reps
seated leg press – 3X, 190lbs, 10 reps
hip adduction – 3X, 190lbs, 10 reps
torso rotation – 1X, 50lbs, 20 reps
stair climber – 10 minutes
treadmill – 25 minutes, 1.30 miles, 126 calories

Overall, very nice! Got to talk to our good friend, who works at the gym – who we haven’t seen in over 2 weeks!!! I had some of Brad’s protein shake then had my protein bar, like I did yesterday. We came back, I brought Katie home, she went potty then brushed teeth, and Brad got her ready and put to bed, while I went to help my neighbor again with her kitties and their meds!

Time to relax…….. sounds like awesomeness to me! I’m so very grateful, thankful, and blessed for everything Heavenly Father has given me. My faith and religion mean everything to me and I KNOW KNOW KNOW it has helped me become the person I am today and I know as long as I strive to live a righteous life then I will continue to be a better person bit by bit. =) Okie, goodnight!!!