I am sooooooooo tired and hungry! We’ve ran out of bread! (GASP) so for heavy carbs I’ve had to rely on OATS. They are oh-so-good. Sundays always throw my body off since It’s the only morning I get up EXTRA early and my “usual” schedule is thrown off as far as sleeping and eating so I’ve been struggling to keep my tummy happy this evening but luckily, dinner is in the oven!

I love going to church and I have really needed it lately with all the roller coaster that has been going on in my life. The talks were wonderful and I really need the interaction with other members. That alone helps me heaps!! We came home and this evening I ate snacks and took a nap but woke up starving! OH, also FINALLY got to talk to my Mom in the hospital!!!!!!! She’s doing lots better and may even get to come home tomorrow… woohoo! That is such a relief off my mind. I love her so.

I’m slowly working one day at a time to reclaim the health and happiness I had. I will get there. I believe it and know it with all my heart – just have to be patient and take care of my body in the way I should. I got a blessing today from Brad and our Branch President. Brad had asked me several times over the past few months If I wanted one for all the mess that has been going on with my health and body and I would always say no but I am READY now. I’m ready to get back in action!!!!!! I love my Heavenly Father. I love my husband and daughter and I am going to work to be a good Saint and to be happy!

Well, must check on dinner! Katie’s going to bed soon then we’re eating and watching new episodes of BONES and FRINGE! I’m soooooooo excited! Also, dessert? TOTALLY CAN’T WAIT. Greek yogurt, flaxseed and blueberries that I’m gonna put in the freezer for just a little while… oh yes It will be delicious. NOMNOM. Have a great night! I look forward to this week and what It may have in store for us!