My favorite season is pretty much over! Noooooo! Tomorrow is the first official day of Fall/Autumn. It sure hasn’t been like Fall yet around here. Rain, rain, rain. Also our temps are in the 80’s or so. I like Fall because I can open my windows and have fresh, crisp 60-70 degree weather blowing through my house and for all the pretty colors of nature during Fall. Winter on the other hand… no thank you!!!!!!

Got to see the new episode of Fringe and It was really good! Woot woot! Finally get to see The Biggest Loser tomorrow haha. A week later, booooo! So I was watching my online NBC channel that I’ve been watching and today Brad and I watched Rachel Ray and she was making this re-made fried chicken with bread crumbs and mashed sweet potatoes SOOO today we picked up a few things and that’s what we’re about to chomp on, yum yum. AWESOME! :)

Goodbye Summer! I can’t wait for sand, sun and swimming in 2010!