edit I’m working on tweaking my own wordpress theme that actually works, haha. finally found out from someone the comments weren’t working! sorry guys. Until I get my custom theme set up and working, I’ll just settle for this classic theme. and hey, you can actually comment with this theme! :dizzy: 

No one comments on my site anymore. :upset: Is it really that bad? Are the comments not working or am I just that boring?

Anyhow. Sorry I haven’t been updating. I’ve actually been keeping pretty busy come to think of it. I don’t know where to start, really. Abby’s puppies are all doing well except for the little runt. I think he’s hanging onto dear life.. the poor little guy. I don’t even know If he’ll make it through today or not. Makes me so sad. :( The other puppies are starting to wonder out of the dog house they are kept in and It’s so CUTE to see them come out and waddle around. Hehee. Yesterday was really awesome! Brad and I went to my best friend and her fiances wedding shower and had a really great time! We stayed from about noon until around 8:30PM. Really, really nice to talk to and be around more people! Yay for that much!!! :D

Brad’s Dad told him that we have to move out of this trailor by next March! Coz his Dad will have to clear off this land so Brad’s Aunt can move down and build her house on this land. Which means we’ll definetly have to start looking for a new place, which, I am COMPLETELY excited about! I’m sooo ready to move out of this trailor! All my other animals are doing gooood. I cleaned their cages late last night. Daxter, our Pomeranian, is still spunky as EVER and I’m still fighting to get him some-what potty trained. *sigh*

I really need to fix up and spice up my site. Make it more.. appealing or something. It’s just when I do get online – I visit my dailies, check my LJ then post on DisasterMB a little bit and by the time I’m done with all that, a lot of time has passed and we have to go somewhere or do something and I don’t get time to. I’ll try to do a little here and there. OH, Saturday, after Brad and I went grocery shopping, I got to drive part of the way home! I was really scared. I did it though! Then Saturday evening, we went to Brad’s Aunts house for her little girls 7th birthday party. It was pretty cool. Yenno, I’ll have a LOT more time to do things during the week now that all the shows have gone off for the summer. There was a show just about every day that we would watch. Monday – How I Met Your Mother. Tuesday – American Idol. Wednesday – American Idol, Bones. Thursday – Will & Grace, My Name Is Earl, ER. And that was it! Their ALL gone for the summer.. cept for Will & Grace and their gone forever. I’ll probably watch the last American Idol episode and that’ll be it.

I’m thinking I may transfer my content pages into WordPress pages but I’m not sure If I want to coz the about me and love content pages are REALLY long. Eh, I’ll see about it. Suppose I could transfer them into WordPress pages then just make that pop up, possibly. There are a lot of things I’d like to get done.

#1 – get Dax his flea medicine, #2 – go to the doctor, #3 – drive more and eventually get my drivers license, #4 – get a job and #5 – see about college! I’m really hoping to get those things done ASAP!

Well. It’s nearing 8AM and I gotta take care of the animals, get dressed, possibly eat a little somethin and then Brad’s Grandma is coming to pick me up and I’m gonna clean her house and she’s gonna pay me! Yaaaay money!!! :grinny:

Have a great day guys. :)
edit Today is mine and Brad’s 2 year, 10 month anniversary!!!!!!! :love: