First off, I went to sleep at 11pm last night… yay me! However, I woke up at 4:30AM!!! Whaaaat. GRRR. I went back to sleep, woke up at 5-something then went back to sleep till Brad woke me up closer to 8AM. Got up, ate, fixed my hair, eventually got Katie up (who was grumpy and pouty from getting up earlier than usual), and we got ready to leave by 11AM. Knocked on my neighbor’s door then we were off! Dropped Katie at Mom’s then made the drive to my naturopath’s office. My neighbor had to go to her Doc’s appointment, so she left and I waited a little bit before my naturopath called me back.

my body is having a hard time converting the T3 and Free T3 thyroid hormones, so she gave me a natural supplement for that. I’m not hypothyroid, but borderline. Just need to boost those levels! Switched to another blood sugar supplement, since the other wasn’t giving me optimal results. My morning cortisol is TOO LOW, which, I thought it was! The other levels throughout the day are fine. She was gonna put me on an adrenal supplement, but she was out of that one… she said if I’m still tired in a week then she’ll mail it to me. And…. I DO have leaky gut, so she gave me the best probiotic there is. Also, I mentioned how I’m kindof OCD and such so she asked if I was willing to try something. I said sure! She wants me to try 10mg of Lithium before bed to help with stress. I’ve read Lithium reallllly feeds the brain, so we’ll see!!! She weighed me in and said that if I don’t lose a good amount of weight by the time I come back on February 7th then we’re gonna do HCG to help get the weight off! And….. NO CARBS aka grains. I pretty much knew that was coming, lol. That’s fine. I’ll do this for my health. I CAN!!! have dairy, as long as it doesn’t give me symptoms. YAY.

I’m SUPER STOKED. Now I have post this and move along cause I have other stuff I need to do and I plan on going to bed as early as possible…… prob around 11 again. Just wanted to update about my appointment! I’m super happy to have ANSWERS and a plan. Gonna get my thyroid/adrenals/and gut back on track so I can feel awesome!!!

Have an excellent evening!