Wooohoo! I think I wanna go to the gym today. I’d like to see the Need for Speed movie too!
Highlights of recently: Katie’s been acting up at school randomly the last two weeks. Ugh. Brad’s bday was the 11th! Katie and I made him a homemade card. Still waiting on the results from my vitamin and mineral test. Brad was off work this Thursday to take me to see the Doc that heads over my holistic clinic… so thyroid levels are excellent so no change in dose, but talked about the things I’ve found out through my Naturopath and she mainly talked about my high testosterone. I’ve been very confused about my whole health mess cause I’ve had SO MUCH going on, but it all comes down to the bigger problems being: everything related to my PCOS, insulin resistance, and whatever vitamin/mineral deficiencies I currently have. She wants me to get another blood test done to look at my testosterone and other hormones then take steps from there. I cannot wait to get my results for the vitamin and mineral test. Brad ordered a left handed electric guitar and it was finally delivered yesterday – was going to be here Thursday but we missed the delivery (he was not happy). College is going excellent, PLUS Brad got the best birthday present EVER… he got a raise and a BIG bonus! WHEEEHOOOOO. We are SO BLESSED.

I am so thankful, grateful, and blessed.

I feel very confident that if I can get my insulin & blood sugar balanced, along with the testosterone, and the vitamins/minerals then I can feel so much better and FINALLLLLLLLLLLLY lose weight again!