Last night Brad and I watched the movie Letters To God and I loved it!! What a great movie.

– it was cold and gloooomy
– got up, ate breakfast then went to buy groceries
– put on some laundry
– attempting to put together a new eating plan to help me feel better
– working on getting right info to get me back on track with my health
– studied scriptures with my lovie

Dinner is cooking and we bought some ranch seasoning to go on our baked chicken = YUMMY. Cannot WAIT to watch the newest episode of The WALKING DEAD! Which we will be watching once dinner is finished… woot woot!

Confession: I’ve been eating too much, espically carbs. I noticed that my body is pretty sensative to carbs because when I lost weight and was going low-carb, I seemed to feel better but back then I didn’t have enough carbs so I’ve gotta work on some BALANCE.

That’s all I got! God loves you… always remember that!