Well…… can say the last two days have been same ole. I probably won’t be posting as much, unless something real special happens haha. It was sooo pretty outside today, so I took Katie out for the long walk out to the nearest pond to see the turtles, ducks, and fishies! The Koi fishies were really active today! Usually you only see one or two but we saw atleast seven or so. Katie whined a bit on the way back and now she’s playing in her room. No nap today but I’m hoping to get her sleep situated again to where she is going to bed at an earlier hour.

We watched the BRAND NEW first episode of the new season of BONES last night!!!!!!!!! AHHH, I loved it. New FRINGE is coming a week from this Friday. I’m also REALLY, REALLY, REALLY excited because I watched a new trailer for the movie THE HOBBIT this morning and I can’t wait to show it to Brad because we both can’t wait to see that movie. Realllllllllllly makes me want to start playing Lord of the Rings Online again. I miss that game.

Still working on getting my diet under control. Will keep trying, as always. We didn’t go to the gym Monday evening, but we did go yesterday evening. Not sure if we’re going tonight. Brad’s ankle has been giving him trouble, so he can’t do much. Random: I’d really like a rotisarrie chicken from Whole Foods…. yum!

This concludes my randomness for today.