WHAT A FLIPPIN DAY IT’S BEEN. I wanted to try to get into the Doc’s office for an appointment today so got up this morning for the usual and then after Brad left I realized… I FORGOT THE CARSEAT. Great! Decided to call a church friend of mine who HAS a carseat and she said she could take me If I got an appointment. Brad called me right before I was about to call the Doc this morning and said he forgot his blood pressure meds and needed it so I had to get that to him soon. I called the Doc and got an appointment for 1PM and so my church friend came and got me then we went by Brad’s work to give him the meds then I went to hang out at her house till my appointment. I got to the Docs at 1PM and Katie stayed with my church friend and they went to Wal-Mart for a while. I was at the Doc’s office for like 3 HOURS. They took some blood and even tho I tried to talk to the Doc about all my symptoms and that I had mentioned I thought It was my adrenal gland.. what do you think they said? What most Docs say. YOU’RE DEPRESSED. She said it like 3 different times and then at one point asked me If I had thoughts of hurting myself… I’m like UH NO! She also talked to me like I was a 2 year old at the end of the appointment. WAS NOT PLEASED ONE BIT.

She said we won’t know much else till all the bloodwork comes back and it’s gonna take a bit to get it all back since they had to send it to different labs so I go back in 2 weeks. She said in the meantime, she could give me some MEDS to help me. HAAAAAAA. No thanks. She wrote me the prescription and said that I could decide If I wanted to wait and see what bloodwork showed or go ahead and fill the prescription.

Just wow.


I’m exhausted.