First off, lately I have not felt the best. For a while now I’ve had random back pain, dizzy spells and just didn’t feel 100% in focus so finally after feeling horrible last night, Brad’s Mom took me to the Doc today. I thought I might have a kidney infection? Nope! Turns out I’m eat WAY too many carbs and just not enough in general. Need LOTS of protein and just more calories so that’s what I shall do! Hopefully with a little bit of time I can start to feel 100% again and If not then back to the Doc we go! Apparently the back pain is associated with the muscles in my lower back.. probably from the floor exercises I did last week.. eek.
Our baby girl is now ONE year old! This time last year we were all in the hopital. I had her at 12:13PM. I love re-thinking about that day. Was such an amazing time in our lives and I’ll never forget the way I felt.. so happy. Here’s a look at this last year with our girl. A pic for every month.


What a year! A whole year has gone by. Time really, really does fly! I let Katie open one of her packages we got in the mail.. this one from my Aunt! She got Katie a pretty dress and a pretty bunny! Here’s the pic I got of her checkin out the goodies!!

So I was at the hospital this time last year AND was at the Doc this year, lol. I opened that one package as Katie’s 1st birthday present BUT her real birthday party is gonna be at my MIL’s house Friday afternoon and that’s when she’ll get the rest of her birthday goodies!!! YAY! Yesterday I let her try real MILK for the 1st time and she seemed to like it! Some new things she’s doing include squeeling and sometimes SCREECHING very loudly haha am gonna have to break her from that high pitch screeching. Also, she just recently started to CLAP her hands! Her 2 bottom teeth are now very visable!! WOOT! She loves to go, go, go – play, crawl and cruise around from the couch then down and over to the chair haha. One more thing. This is really special to me… the night Katie was born, Brad made a bracelet for me. I’ve been wearing it Katie’s 1st whole year a life and took it off last night after midnight. I’m gonna put it away in our lockbox to keep to give to Katie someday. I love that <3
happy birthday to ourrrrr baby girl !!!!!!!!!!!! <3333
awww happy birthday!!! I hope she enjoys her party!!!