WOW. Katie D is 9 months old today! Can’t believe it. Soon she will be a YEAR OLD! The last week or so she’s been sneezing quite a bit. Well, I think Monday? She started coughing and now she’s full blown sick. Coughing, runny nose. Poor babe. I also have caught it a little but am trying to fight it off with Tylenol cold medicine and drinking Vitamin C. I felt sooo drained and sore yesterday but feel a bit better today. Come on medicine, do your job and don’t let me get full blown sick! I want to continue my exercise and don’t want to have to stop because of sickness!

It feels so lovely outside.. 74 degrees but we’re under a tornado watch. Figures. Tomorrow It’s back to around 50 degrees. BOOOO. I can’t wait for spring and espically SUMMER!!!! So what have I been up to? Not much.. same ole, same ole. Take care of Katie & the house and exercising. We attempted to go to the park Sunday but we got out there and It was WAAAAAY too windy and cold so had to turn right around and come home.

Tomorrow Katie has a doctors appointment so that’s good — they can check her out and make sure she doesn’t have anything too serious as far as sickness. Welp, that’s about it. Nothing more to really update about! Have a great Wednesday!!!!