I have been on a roll with cleaning/nesting lately! Does that mean I’ll have him sooner rather than later??? Hmmmmmm!

Last night I just had to get our bag out that we’re taking to the hospital! Put the majority of the clothes I’m gonna take in there but still need comfy pants to take with me then Brad will have his clothes and I have smaller bags for bathroom/electronic/food stuff.

After breakfast I started washing/drying the rest of Ben’s clothes, made up the bed, organized our bedroom closet a bit more, put away Katie’s clean clothes (including new stuff I had bought and washed for her), put the mattress pad cover on Ben’s crib mattress, tried to strap his new music/glow crib attachment on the crib and it took me foreverrrr lol but I finally got it- I think, folded his clothes that I had washed, and then eventually finished packing his diaper bag (YAY), and split his clothes between the cart in the bedroom and the one in the dining room so we have stuff in both places.

Then I finished up by vacuuming the house! Since late afternoon I’ve had some Braxton Hicks contractions.. bum bum bum! Who knows. Come on out when you’re ready Benjamin! =)

Alright, about to fix some spaghetti for dinner and I have like 6 vlogs to catch up on-on YouTube! Have a great evening.