Well, well. I show up again, lol. If you know me on social media then you already know what happened in September but if you happen upon this site and know me from my past websites and such then you won’t.

Mom passed away on September 12th… 2 days after her 84th birthday. I have so much to write and I really, really need to make time to start blogging again, esp after this has happened. It really helps me reflect and get motivated. I love staying at home with our kiddos but it’s hard and always has been and it gets lonely. Lonely for adult interaction, lonely to use my positive inspiration somewhere!!!

I wanna sit down and write the story of what happened with mom.

But some highlights for now.. I’ve just been taking care of the babes. Time is just going faster than I ever thought or imagined and I- HATE- IT. I also hate that daylight savings time ended because it’s dark early. EW. Katie started middle school in August and has been doing OK for a new school but her grades have been really up and down but just gotta keep encouraging her. Ben is a wild man and our little Abbie is almost 10 months and has 4 or 5 teeth coming in!!! She pulled herself up on her knees in September and pulled up on both feet just the other day! Ben walked at 10 months so we’ll see what Miss Abbie does. Thanksgiving is next week.. and a new DECADE is coming in.

Lots more to say but it’s time to feed the wild man.