Welllll- last time I posted was last Sunday. Woke up for the Monday morning usual routine. Katie got up and already I could tell her cheeks were flushed, she looked miserable. And… temp of 101.something. Ugh. I went to wake Brad up at his usual time and he said his back was killing him (which might have been made worse by OTHER activities hah) and then I told him about Katie’s temp and how she was almost out of meds. He decided to take the day off to rest his back and buy her some more meds. He went out a bit later and bought his own breakfast and her meds.

We all eventually took naps and just had a good rest day. Unforunately, Katie’s temps continued. Her highest was almost 103. Temps Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and it finally started to stay down Friday. She had a sore throat but nothing like it was when she had strep before. I was keeping an eye on her but just seemed like something that needed to pass. Today she is back to her annoying self, lol with random sniffles and little random coughs and bit of congestion. She should be good to go on Monday! Mom usually watches Katie Friday evenings while we go shopping but she didn’t want to risk catching what Katie had so I gave her a dose of meds since her temp was 99.5 and we got shopping done. Today has been a cooler, gloomy, rainy day. I got up early to take my thyroid meds and eventually napped a little later. Brad’s mostly been laying around and went back to sleep this afternoon. I need to face my fear of driving and go buy Katie’s Easter stuff since there won’t be a time we could go without her since Mom doesn’t want to risk any chance of getting sick.

Speaking of health-
I bought some new powdered Dr formulated organic fiber to try to get more fiber in my daily intake, since I’ve been racking my brain trying to figure out why I’ve had chronic diarrhea for wayyy longer than I should. I’m also gonna add bits of whole food fiber too. My diet has a little fiber but has been lacking for way too long. With being sensitive to sooo many things and only eating a handful of foods then I can see how the lack of fiber has wrecked my gut. Gonna take it slow and add more over time and I know that will help with everything, including nutrient absorption and overall energy. I’m taking necessary nutrients plus a great probiotic but if everything just runs through me then my body does not get what it really needs.

Still watching reruns of Secret Life! Watched a few episodes today. About to dry/style my hair soon and think about if I’m gonna go out or not. Happy Easter weekend!! I’m so thankful for my Savior, Jesus Christ. He died for me.. and you. He loves you and me. He wants us to live happier lives EACH DAY and we can, If we take care of ourselves and each other. We can make a difference and we can spread love and inspire others to do the same. I’m thankful for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and the peace I feel knowing that I have a loving Heavenly Father and Savior. Nothing is impossible and anything IS POSSIBLE, with faith, with persistence, and with the hope that everything will turn out the way that it is supposed to, even when we fail- we have the opportunity and choice to get back up and try again and again. We can make our lives as awesome as we want but it takes effort and to hold to everything good, even in our darkest moments and hardest times. Life is so beautiful. I just look around at nature and adore it all. I’m so thankful to be alive, even when things don’t go my way. I count my blessings and I just remain forever thankful to be breathing, even when there is pain, even when there is struggle because that is what is REAL. Trials help us grow and teach us exactly what we need to unlock our true potential and find out who we really are so that we can be happy. Well, If we face them with the right attitude. I am grateful, thankful, and blessed for everything Heavenly Father has given me. The Gospel has taught me a new perspective and continues to teach me every single day. <3 Sending positive vibes and e-hugs to you guys! =) One of my favorite lyrics to go with this moment- “You can turn off the sun.. but I’m still gonna shine!” from Jason Mraz <3