WELL HEY. I can’t believe how terrible I have become about updating my blog! Time to play catch up.
Sooooooooo, Katie started school August 4th! We went to meet her teacher on the 1st, so we’ll start with that.

This was her 2nd week of school and she did pretty good, but has gotten into trouble with talking and a few other things. She is super smart though and has buzzed right through any homework – which her teacher hasn’t give much homework yet. However, Katie woke up this morning with a sore throat and 101.3 fever, so gave her some meds and back to bed she went! Hopefully she’ll feel better when she gets back up.
I also went last weekend and got my hair color touched up and it shaped up!

I FINALLY GOT MY FOOD SENSITIVITY TEST RESULTS!!!! I was soo delighted when it came back earlier this week, woot woot. Now I know what I am sensitive to! My big NO-NO foods (for now) are oats, green beans, yellow squash, and wheat. Guess what I usually eat EVERY DAY? Green beans. Yea, no wonder my gut got so messed up. Then in the next to severe on the list included bananas, bell peppers, broccoli, flaxseed, codfish, grapefruit, duck, cayenne pepper, and vanilla! My moderate list is very long, but I only need to limit those to every 4 days or so, or maybe a little longer, and then I have my GREEN LIST that I can eat. I’m really, really, really, really glad I got this test done. It is exactly what I needed. I took out the major problems and am starting to take l-glutamine powder to help heal my gut. WOOOHOOO. I should feel much better in a few weeks. 😀 I highly recommend the Alcat food sensitivity test for anyone suffering from digestive problems with foods or other symptoms that JUST WON’T GO AWAY (like I’ve been having).
I have been playing LOTROOOOOOOOOOO (Lord of the Rings Online) every day in my spare time and I – LOVE – IT – SO – MUCH. Hahaha <3 It has been my favorite game, since it came out in 2007. Been applying for some jobs and my Mom said that if I pay her $100 and put her car in my name that I can have her old car! OMG. I just need to practice some more driving so I can get my license then I WILL ACTUALLY HAVE A CAR. I look forward to the rest of this year! Brad's work is having another work event, like last August, but this time at SIX FLAGS in October!!! Wooohooooo. College is going well! Taking another Psychology class at the moment. I graduate next June!!! What else? Katie has a new friend, who stays with his Grandma 3 times a week and they live here in our apartment complex, so last week I went to help this boy's Grandma with her computer and they got to play for a while. I got my teeth cleaned yesterday and Katie got hers done Tuesday. NO CAVITIES for us!!!!!!! They gave me a recommendation letter to an orthodontist, since they have said time and time again that my sensitive gums may be due to my crowded teeth and that it would benefit me a lot to get braces, so I'm gonna get a consultation done and at least see how much it would be. That is one of my goals! I fed Katie dinner last night then gave her a bath and got Brad to drop me off for a church event with the ladies to just have a fun meet up and we played games to get to know everyone better! It was fun and my upstairs neighbor (who goes to my church too!) drove me back home. It was a good day. HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!! I was supposed to go with the church missionaries today to visit people, but with Katie not feeling well I think I'll have to pass this time. She is out of fever meds after this morning's dose, so sometime today I'll have to get my aunt to buy some more, or else come stay with Katie while I walk down to the store. Alright - well enjoy your Friday and weekend!!!!!!!! I'm either off to play LOTRO for a bit, or take a NAP! <3
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