Haha…. whenever I hear “be prepared” I ALWAYS think of the song from Lion King!! My favorite Disney movie, ever! SO, HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!
I’ve had quite the FULL day. Time really does fly and there are never enough hours in the day, that’s for sure. I was suppppper tired when I woke up this morning. I dragged out of bed, drank some hot lemon water and had some cottage cheese/soy protein/banana mix for breakfast while checking Facebook then decided to go back to sleep for a bit longer before I had to get Katie up.
After getting her up, fed, etc… she was doing her business on the potty so I did the same thing as yesterday- 10 minute workout on the Wii Active! My thighs are actually a little sore from yesterday, WOOT. We got ready then headed out for a walk since it was GORGEOUS outside. It was sooo sunny, mild, and bright. Katie skipped and ran along! The walk was about 20 minutes. We came back and I got Katie’s toys out so she could play but she protested as usual. Sigh. I got on the treadmill for another 40 minute brisk walk while watching (dun dun dun….) SECRET LIFE reruns. I’m excited to be re-watching the seasons, especially since the latest season just ended and they won’t be coming back until January 2012 or possibly even March 2012 SO I guess the reruns will just have to do! And they do! ;D I was ready for lunch when I got off the treadmill…. a bowl of spinach + veggies/tofu stir-fry! It was excellent. Fed Katie and she went down for her nap while I started some laundry then got a bath. I wanted to take another nap after my bath since I have been taking a 2nd nap in the afternoon lately, but today I wasn’t *too* tired, plus I wanted to stay up and get my rough draft research paper finished so I could turn it in for my college assignment this week. I sat down and got to work!!!! I got done JUST in time to get Katie’s snack together, call Mom, and start folding clothes. SHEW.
Brad came home and we loaded up for Moms! Katie got to play with Granny and we got to go SHOPPING. After our goodies at Whole Foods, we sat outside in the cool air and had sushi together =)

Last stop was Wal-Mart to get the rest of the goods. Here are the highlights:

- arugula
- OIKOS chocolate greek yog!
- Food for Life Sprouted 7-Grains Muffins
- Ezekiel Sprouted Bread
- Red Pepper Hummus
- Cottage Cheese
- Lite Firm Tofu
- Red Pepper Dressing
- Dark Chocolate 100cal pack Almonds
- Earth Balance creamy PB
Not pictured: A TON OF VEGGIES, vegetarian chicken strips!
I’ve got all my nutritional info wrote down so I can add it to my SPARKPEOPLE food database so I am READY to start tracking my food again with everything I need. OOoo and I bought the newest flavor for EXTRA desserts gum… apple pie! It’s yum! Gum is prob gonna be a new best friend to help me try to ward off cravings. I’ve been stealing Brad’s lol and he loves spearmint…. but I don’t like the aftertaste.
TOMORROW IS MY MOM’S BDAY! I bought her a card and her fav bath salt that she has ALWAYS loved. When I smelled the box, it took me back to the bathroom we had when I was living with her, since that’s what it always smelled like, heh. Apparently, my cousin is taking her out for a bday dinner tomorrow evening! =)
Well, I’ve still got a lot to accomplish….. catch up on Facebook, bloggies, put in my new info for Sparkpeople then get to work on some PLANNING for tomorrows meals! I WILL DO THIS AND NEVER GIVE UP UNTIL I AM BALANCED! Thankful forEVERRRR for all Heavenly Father has given me.
I also want you to know (YES YOU the readers) that you are special… you are worth it. Be happy and live your life!!!!! Muaaaaaaaaah.
Haha, I love the lion king! That is a good song.
Ooh good haul. Right away I was excited about the greek yogurt and humus but it’s all good.
Happy Birthday to your mom! 🙂