HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYONE !!!!!!!!! I can’t CONTAIN my happiness from healthy food shopping from tonight!!!
I started the day with some oats, yogurt, protein powder, GOJI berries and BLUEBS!! *Insert the usual routine up until time for EXERCISE!*
PRE-WORKOUT: After yesterday’s empty stomach from eating nothing but cantaloupe before working out… I was contemplating what I could use instead for today. MILLET BREAD FTW !!!!
EXERCISE: Today’s combo BWT – Bike, Wii, Treadmill for FRIDAY BAYBAY! I went the farthest I’ve gone so far since I’ve been doing these combos…. I’m getting back into my habits lol sometimes when I get so far and it’s on a certain calorie, time or step, I want it to be a certain number so I keep going until it reaches that – guess my little obsession haha!!! Went over 2 MILES in a little over 34 minutes. Really gonna try to work on SPEED! I actually sprinted at 8.0mph, YEAAAAAA !!! I used to run comfortably for a bit at 5mph so that’s what I’m GOING TO GET BACK to and then even better!
POST-WORKOUT: My tall glass of YUMMY chocolate / green superfood SMOOOTHIE and 1/2c of the rest of my cantaloupe! No sir, when I buy food… it does not go to waste! =)
>> Fiddle online, bit o’ college work >> Katie played on the porch >> went down for her “rest” time

>> Katie played >> Brad came home >> Got my DINNER cooked, fixed, mixed and TOPPED until later! >> Dropped Katie off then off for weekly awesome FOOD SHOPPING! It’s really, really my favorite time of the week, hahahaha. I’m so geeky, huh? Yes, yes sir!!
Shopped, shopped at WHOLE FOODS then sat in the car since It felt LOVELY outside and ate together then Wally Mart! Yes, I know that sounds retarded. Hah.


>> Drove back to Moms – she gave us GOODIES! A friend of hers had brought over FRESH, garden grown cucumbers (wish I would of known before since I bought 2 tonight at the store!) and Mom doesn’t eat cucumbers (whaaaaaaat! I know right?) so we got those + this…..

>> Brought Katie home, Brad put her to bed >> Put away groceries >> Took pics and TA-DA….
I also bought a portion of a watermelon so I still have to go cut that up and put it away. I am feeling super tonight!!! Brad is watching a movie but I really want to sing, lol. Another thing that occured to me is that I think my whole health problem started because my DIGESTIVE ENZYMES became depleted and then so did the good flora in my system and then everything crashed and burned. I’m making sure to take the probiotics and digestive enzymes! And cutting DOWN on the fiber in my diet and IT’S WORKING cause I’m becoming a bit more “regular” the last few days……… I am AWAITING that awesome energy to return! THAT WILL KICK SO MUCH BUTT! I still feel pretty bloated so I’m really not sure what to expect on the scale in the morning but I’m hoping I atleast stayed the same or lost 1-2 pounds? I can hope, right??? Heh.
What will we doooooo tomorrow??? Not sure yet! Mom is prob gonna watch Katie so we’ll see what we can find to do to make Saturday awesome! As always, I am so thankful to be alive. Thankful for Heavenly Father. I am truly blessed!!!!!!
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