It has already been a busy day! This morning I got Katie up and ready then let her watch the rest of the Bugs Bunny movie in the living room while sitting in her highchair with toys while I got on the TREADMILL! I switched between a fast pace walk to jogs between 4.0-7.0 since I can’t jog for long periods of time anymore BUT I WILL once I build that endurance back up. Anyhow, in all I did 3 miles in 45 minutes, WOOHOOO. Ate a nice post-workout snack afterwards and took Katie outside for a bit. She loves it, heh.

I came back in and started some laundry! Once she was down for her nap, I finished some online work then got a nice shower. My handsome man came home for his lunch break and we ate lunch then he had to go back to work. Lunch was sooooooo good! Peanut butter, banana, apple and cinnamon sandwich with a few brussel sprouts and boiled carrots and also a PEACH! Hubby and I have two different kinds of peaches and we’ve been switching, lol. I fixed my hair and now I’ve got dinner cooking early since I’m leaving for a church meeting about 5:30PM and I don’t know what time I’m going to get back so I figured I’d go ahead and have it ready for when I get back so I don’t have to rush and scramble once I get home because I’ll have to feed and bathe Katie and If it’s 8PM then I’d have to start dinner really late and I’d probably be starving. It’s cooking right now!

I’m back to logging my food and make sure I’m getting plenty of water! I always drink water but I’m striving to drink a bit more than usual. I log half of my info on paper then when I have time to sit at the computer, I plug all my food into I told myself that If I’m going to eat something, I have to write or log it first. Stand accountable! I got into a habit of just eating something on impulse but I’m stopping that. I’m ready to get back to where I used to be! Get rid of these extra pounds, get trim, lean, toned and be as happy as I was months ago. I will get there because I believe in myself! Brad’s going to the track again tonight, yay! It actually looks like It’s going to storm outside right now so hopefully It’ll be over with and Brad will get to go to the track but If not he can just use the treadmill at home.

OKIE, think I’ll go start folding that laundry, get dinner finished, eat a snack, feed Katie then my friend is picking me up for the church meeting in a bit! Hope the rest of your Thursday is great! Remember that God loves you and that we CAN do anything we set our minds to IF we want it badly enough!!!!!!! 🙂