We’ve had quite the day!!! I had such a wonderful time at church this morning. After church, we headed over to the Art Festival that they had set up today and yesterday. It was so cool to see people’s art. Ventured back home and put Katie down for her nap and I eventually ate some lunch. After Katie got up and was fed, we headed out to start buying our NECESSITY list with our tax money! I GOT A NEW RUG FOR OUR LIVING ROOM! We’ve needed a new one for a long while now. I got a new exercise bra, undies and Brad got a new nice button-up blue shirt and a new pair of jeans! He’s so happy because the shirt is an XL!! He hasn’t worn an XL since before he was in HIGH SCHOOL! Squeee! We got Katie new shoes and a POTTY CHAIR! I stocked up on cleaning supplies and things we needed for the house like light bulbs and paper towels.
I feel so blessed! THE NECESSITY LIST CONTINUES TOMORROW! We’ve got another busy day tomorrow starting with opening a SAVINGS ACCOUNT to put money into followed by me getting more blood drawn THEN paying off the rest of our bed. That will be all in the morning then in the afternoon we’re heading to another town to buy some things for our chinchilla and possibly a handful of others things for us. I’m gonna look into some new running shoes because I need them BADLY.
Well my site is giving me a forbidden error so again I’m relyin on Notepad!! Ugh I am worn the heck out. Sleep is in my near future indeed. I’m excited to start a new week with my exercise to see what I can do with LESS exercise and my new exercise bra is SO COMFORTABLE. YAY! Anyhow, I’m out.
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