Less than 9 hours until my age turns from 29 to the DIRTY THIRTY! I feel like my 30’s are gonna be my time to shine. I was remembering what has happened the last ten years of my life. Rewind to 10 years ago- 2006. Brad had just had the terrible car accident on his way home from work… that ended up with the other lady not making it. My struggle with fertility to get pregnant. My fear of almost everything. Becoming a first time mom to a little girl. Finding my faith and turning my life towards the positive. Converting to LDS. Having the courage to take out all but 2 of my piercings because I came to know that my body is my temple. Starting my weight loss journey and totally ROCKING IT. Losing 6 pounds in a week sometime during 2009 was a moment I will NEVER-EVER forget. 76 pounds in less than a year. 115lbs total lost from 2006-2010. That journey helped me find my passion of wanting to help others in health and weight loss. Having my gallbladder taken out. Moving into an old house that caused a lot of struggles. Almost separating from Brad. Was only hanging on by a thin thread. My health crashing. My whole world crashing, really. Being my own health advocate when regular Docs were no help to me and my chronic health issues. Trying again and again to see what helped/didn’t help. Using faith once again to find a balance in life, love, and all the struggles. Moving back to Georgia to be closer to my family. Starting college. Got insight and help from a Naturopath and eventually started thyroid meds. Sending our girl off to Kindergarten. Finally getting my permit and trying to face my fear of driving. Balancing college, house chores, and taking care of our girl. Graduating with my AA in Business and BA in Health and Wellness. Getting my driver’s license, yet still working on feeling intimidated with driving. All this has happened in the last 10 years in my 20’s. I’m thankful for every accomplishment and every struggle. I know that trials will only make me stronger. I know that my health struggles will only help me gain that much more experience so that I can pay it forward with helping others. I’m really eager to see what the next ten years will bring.

For my last day of my 20’s? I watched reruns of Secret Life, took a glorious nap, got Katie off the bus, and we plan on going out this evening to look for a potential new computer chair for me- since this one has no more cushioning hah. OH- Brad’s computer (the one we bought only THREE years ago) has been messed up.. he thinks the hard drive crashed. He tried a lot of different things and it still wasn’t working right so he went ahead and got a super awesome gaming computer as his birthday present. What do I want for my birthday? Hm, not much. I just want my health to be balanced again so I can get back into what I love most- exercise (mainly running) but would like a new computer chair, new running shoes, and maybe tickets to see Breaking Benjamin at some point! ;D I don’t need much. I just want everyone to be happy and healthy.

THIS WEATHER IS AMAZING!!! Its going to be in the low 80’S FOR MY BIRTHDAY- AHHHH. Makes me super happy. <3 Looking forward to my first year in my 30’s- I pray that I can get a job, work hard, get a car, braces for my teeth, get my health balanced, lose about 20 more pounds and build a little muscle, and just enjoy life to the fullest and be the best wife and mom that I can be. Eventually, I’m going to get certified as either a health coach or personal trainer and start helping people and taking on clients because that is what I want to do. I want to help people transform. The end of my 20’s and the start of what I will make into the epic ten years of my 30’s. Let’s rock. I will be that fit ninja!