Introducing…… my new hair! Like I mentioned before, It’s shorter than I wanted but ah well, I overall like it. Today was quite the busy day which consisted of the usual plus a kindof rushed grocery shopping run because Brad had to leave afterwards to go to a church meeting. While he was gone I fed Katie, folded a load of laundry and then put away 2 loads. Bathed Katie and then put her down for the night. Came downstairs and washed down Katie’s walker and some of her toys. Brad didn’t get back till late and hes now doing his workout and I’m starving! Was waiting for him to get back to see when to start dinner so I’ll get started with that soon. That’s about it!
That’s a cute hairstyle, and I like the color as well. I think the length frames your face well…Just remember that it’s only hair, and will grow out!