What a DAY!!!!!!!! I’m so happy I can’t even explain it!

SO my temp the last few days has been higher than usual.. I thought well, I’ll see what my temp is gonna be Wednesday then go from there. I thought, ah, my temp will probably fall back down. I woke up this morning and my temp was 98.66!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was thinking OMGGGGGG, THIS HAS TO BE IT! I dug out my pregnancy test I’ve had stored away in my closet for the last, like, 6 months LOL! Today I am 15DPO so I was gonna surprise Hubby, sneak and get the test, go in the bathroom this morning but I knew he would be right at the door wondering what was going on, lol. So I told him I was gonna test! :D He smiled at me as he stood in the kitchen and I closed the door.. I was already shaking! SO, do my thing and set the test on the counter and wait wait wait. In the past I’ve always held my hand over the test so I couldn’t see it LOL. So once I waited a bit, I peered over my hand…

I was just staring at it and couldn’t belive that it ACTUALLY said PREGNANT!!! I took a minute then went out to the kitchen where Brad was with the test behind my back and said, “HAPPY HALLOWEEN.. DADDY” and showed him the test! AHHHH, he was smiling from ear to ear!!! I’m about 4 weeks and I’m due in JULY, YAY I LOVE SUMMER!!! Our anniversary is July 22nd so our baby will be an early anniversary gift!! Called my Doc today and they told me to stop taking my meds – Metformin. And to come in today to get some blood drawn! Hubby came home from work and we made our way to the Doc’s office. My Doc wasn’t there but another nice lady was. Took my blood, gave me a prescription for prenatal vitamins, told me my DUE DATE (July 10th!!!) and then told me to start thinking about which OB I wanted to use!

AHHHHHHHH! We told both our Moms today – his Mom, LOL. I haven’t seen her that happy in a long while! And my Mom – at first she was like “Your pregnant?” Yes! “Your PREGNANT?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” LOL!!! She kept saying, “I’m so glad! I’m so glad!” =) Awwww and she wants me and Brad to come visit SO SO SO badly now for Christmas! That will be the only time she gets to see me pregnant because Brad doesn’t get anymore vacations besides Christmas and 4th of July and that will be right around my due date so I couldn’t travel then.

OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG. I am still SO EXCITED! Baby Moody!!!!!!!!! I can’t wait for my stomach to start showing a little! OH and I actually had a little implant bleeding @ 10DPO!!! That’s exciting too! I could just go on and on about this LOL. Gosh, after over a year of trying, here we are FINALLY! We’re gonna be a Mommy and Daddy! It’s just soooo wonderful!!!!!!!

Gotta pick up my prenatal vitamins ASAP! Gonna have to wait till Friday though I think.. and gotta see about which OB I’m gonna start going to! A BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!