WEDNESDAY HAS BEEN AWESOME. Why you ask?! Well, I will tell you….
I got up this morning trying to figure out what bowl of GOODIES I wanted for breakfast! I WANT IT ALL but I know I have to watch my calories so it takes forever to decide!!! I went with –

Pre-workout dish…

Exercise for today – WTB! W for 10 minutes Wii Active, T for 30 minutes treadmill, B for 20 minutes bike! EXCELLENT. By the time I was getting ready to switch over from treadmill to bike, I had sweat puddling on my ARMS. I haven’t seen that in FOREVER… I looove that. I’ll have to try to take a picture maybe tomorrow, LOL. I’m using WORD SCRAMBLE to mix up my 3 diff workouts throughout the week.. like tomorrow is TBW so it’s fun and mixes it up. The Wii Active workouts are ALWAYS different and I try to mix up the speed on the treadmill and sometimes speed up on the bike too!
I had to have my usual fiber/supplement/protein shake, smoothie or whatever ye want to call it!

I was really getting hungry around 4pm and was trying to hold off till 4:30pm but I have to be smart and eat when I’m hungry SOOOO what to eat for a snackie?! I tried an organic health bar – RASPBERRY MUFFIN! It was soft like a Larabar and was pretty good! Oh, plus a DATE on the side. Katie got up and had her snack then played with her toys. A little after 6pm, what does that equal? DINNER TIME !!!!!!!!!!!! I fixed Katie’s dinner then quickly made mine!

- 1/2 cup strawberries
- 1 cup cabbage
- onion
- roasted red pepper dressing
- tomato
- little avocado
- scrambled organic egg
- 3/4 cup green beans
- little SALSA!
With a side of FLAT Kombucha… boo. It had gotten a little too warm when we bought it last Friday evening so it went FIZZY crazy so Brad opened it up Friday night to try to get it to quit fizzing so yea, guess that made it flat. Ah well, still enjoyed! Dinner was around 300 calories my friends!!!!!!
Brad has been thinking about joining a local gym and he was researching a few this evening around 7:30pm and he thought about going to check one out tonight but then turned around and didn’t want to?! Uhhhhh, okay? He’s been acting a little funky this evening… I’m not sure why. He says he’s tired but I think something might be bugging him even tho I tried to ask him about it. He went to lay down at almost 8pm since he had a headache then went to sleep. ….. *shrug* I made my DESSERT BOWL! Instead of putting my mess onto my ice cream cone, I CRUNCHED up the cone and put it into the mess. Into my dessert bowl: plain yogurt, TRUvia, strawberry, [sprinkle of- kashi, coconut shavings, goji berries, raspberry], protein powder, 1/2 cup BLUEBS!
I got Katie to pick up her toys then had potty time… Brad usually puts her to bed so I woke him up and asked If he wanted to do that … so he did then went back to bed. I went to ask him what was wrong? He said he was tired. I asked If he was gonna go to bed this early? He said sure. Have no idea what’s going on but okay! I waited until my dessert bowl was nice and CHILLED then consumed with HAPPINESS.
Know what else REALLY made my day? A compliment from a guy on Dailybooth! =) I am feeling really happy tonight for so many reasons, WHEEEEEEEEE!!! Also happy because I LOVE 10 Years new album! Listening to them now, in fact! Well, since I’m solo tonight guess I’ll fiddle online, start to finalize my college paper and hang out alone till bed time!
I’m thankful for my life. Thankful for my Heavenly Father!!! I appreciate EVERYTHING He has given me! I’m thankful for the healthy food I am blessed to have. Thankful that I have the ability to exercise. Thankful, grateful and blessed. Yup, yup. LOVE MY LIFE !!!
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