We got up and went out into the cool, windy morning air and went to church. Everything went well, except I was really tired. After church, they had a gathering with food, so we hung out for a bit. I brought some food with me, but also nibbled on this and that. Man, the food table was almost bare at the end, lol. Came home and Katie would not pick up her toys….. surprise, surprise, so she got them taken away for the day. She went down for nap and I worked on my college paper that’s due next Monday and got my first page done, WOOT. Brad had fallen asleep and after I was done with my first page… I also went to sleep on the couch for a long while. Also.. I got way off calorie wise today. Yea, went crazy. Brilliant, I know. Will prob REALLY regret it tomorrow at the gym. Gotta learn to stay away from tempters and STAY ON FLIPPIN’ TRACK. GRRRRRRRR. I got off track today because I was way tired and when I get set off with eating something, it kindof dominoes. Anyway, back on track tomorrow and I’m gonna have to stop giving in on my rest-from-gym days.

I got my new heart rate monitor all set up and ready for tomorrow!! Can’t WAIT to use it. Also, I sat down this evening (with Katie as close as she can get of course) and made a poster board picture collage of Katie to hang in her room! I really like it. I figured I would do that VS buying new picture frames. Way cheaper and TOTALLY 100% more creative. We hung that up and then tonight after dinner, sat down to watch the latest Biggest Loser! Can’t believe Mark and Buddy quit…. but ah well. I reallllllly want Kim to win!

We might watch the latest Bones or Fringe episode (?), but not sure! We’ll see. Have a great night!!! P.S. – it’s still windy and cool outside! The cool air feels good blowing through the patio door.