Another busy day! This morning went well — when Katie would go down in her crib I would lay down on the couch with the video monitor on our coffee table and I’d wake up when I’d hear her gruntin and squirmin then I’d change her, feed her then put her back in crib then I’d lay back down and get more sleep. Did this until about 11AM? Then I knew I had to get up and start getting ready since Brad’s Mom would be coming over to get me and Katie. I got her all ready then got myself ready and Brad’s Mom called and said she’d be over @ 12:35PM. She came and picked us up and we were headed off! Took a long time at the Doc’s office with the waiting! Doc said Katie looks great :] She weighed 5lbs 8oz at birth then dropped down to 5lbs 4oz and now she’s 5lbs 12oz! She’s still got a little jaundice but besides that she is gooooood! Her next appointment is this coming Tuesday!

We went to my WIC appointment but I didn’t have proof of Brad’s income so we’ve got that rescheduled for next Thursday. After all that running, everyone was thirsty so we went and got milkshakes!! Came back home and MY BAAAAAAABY was home hehe when we pulled up! He was waiting at the door! <3 We went and ate at Brad’s Moms house this evening — ate some veggie soup! Once we got home I went and laid down then Brad came not long after that and for the first time since I gave birth, we slept in the same bed together and how I have missed laying by his side oooomg! <333 I LOVE HIM TIMES A MILLION! I’m so thankful he came into my life. What a blessing my life has been since he came into it. Thinking back on memories my heart just fills with warmth and my eyes fill with tears <3 My Bradllllllley!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <333 I can’t wait for the weekend coz Brad will be home with me and Katie and we’ll all just get to relax! I’m so loving life.
Speaking of good stuff – 3 doors down song “It’s Not My Time” is really awesomeeeeee!! <3
I’m so glad you’re feeling like this 🙂 Congratulations on the baby! (I have yet to say that!) And it’s great that you’re not going through any post-partum depression (at least it doesn’t seem like it).
She’s a beautiful beautiful baby!