I’m on a mission! A mission to

When I’m in a slump in my life It seems to help me to FOCUS on something and I love helping others so that is what I’m putting my focus into and that pairs with the scriptures and faith. This will help me realllllly de-stress and that is EXACTLY what I need to be doing all day every day or atleast attempt! I think my health is really being hit right now because of stress and that sucks because at the beginning of this year I felt so energetic, happy, uplifted and WONDERFUL. I’m attempting to dig deep to heal in all ways so I can get back to being that girl I was – the girl I’ve always DREAMED of being. I’ve been there but I need to work on getting back there again. I will admit that these last handful of months I’ve been making little things into BIG things that put unnecessary stress into my daily life and It’s my fault but sometimes It’s hard to find a way to fix it, yenno? I have to fight with myself daily but It’s a fight I CAN AND WILL WIN.
“If God brought you to it, He will get you through it” I LOVE THAT and I truly believe it. I’m ready to get over this slump and get back to business. Back to working out and then feeling amazing because of it. I can only do light exercise now and even that tires me out and THAT kills me because I love to get a good workout and I can’t… I can but I’m just making it worse when I do so I must calm my stubborn ways and submit to light exercise, daily de-stressors and anything that will help soothe my soul.
What are your weekend plans? I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
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