I stayed up until 3:30AM this morning! My computer caught a virus and both Brad and I tried to work a way to get rid of it with no success so DUN DUN DUN… that meant I was going to have to reformat! I’m glad I did though because now it’s all clean and fresh. So fresh, so clean clean computer and it is nice. OH SO NICE. I crawled out of bed this morning at almost 9AM but man oh man I’ve felt WONDERFUL all day. I got all geared up for my run on the treadmill. Sometimes I get SO into the music and this was one of those days! I would do a fast walk and dance at the same time while singing! HECK YES. Then eventually do interval sprints of up to 7.0. I think I set a new record? I THINK. Today I made it to 4.5 miles and burned a little over 700 calories. WOOT WOOT. Afterwards I was randomly dancing around the house and I AM SO HAPPY I’m able to do that now! I’ve tried to eat a little more since I burned more calories and I FEEEEEL GOOD, NANANA! Oh oh, speaking of getting out of bed this morning! I got up and we had a tiny layer of snow outside but by the time I came back upstairs around an hour later — It was GONE! When we left the house this afternoon It was SO COLD and pretty big flurries were falling. It was so pretty. We went by the produce store then Wal-Mart to go ahead and buy our groceries today instead of tomorrow just to get it done. So far tonight Brad and I have studied our church lesson together and plan on watching a movie! Yeee!!

Also wanted to bring up one of my new favorite items in healthy living and eating…. MEASURING CUPS! I remember when I was still almost 200 pounds I was attempting to get all the healthy tips straight and was on a fitness message board. Someone on there gave me a great video about PORTIONS. I never really looked at portion sizes and calories until then! She explained to me that I was PROBABLY serving myself 4-5 of what was supposed to be ONE serving. I love my measuring cups!!! I don’t measure EVERY thing I eat but I do for most of it because that helps me keep my lifestyle in CHECK! I could probably just “estimate” portion size now without the measuring cups but I like it and I have to show the love for those cute little cups!
Oh, measuring cups how I do love thee.
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