FIRST OFF… our Blazer!

What a wonderful day It’s been!!! This morning Brad took our HUUGE pile of donations to our local thrift store! We had a LOT but It feels good to know that I’m a) cleaning out items we aren’t going to need or use and b) giving it to people who really need or want it! It’s a great feeling. I cleaned out our dining room, FINALLY! It had all the donations in it plus a box of our storage and our pictures. I moved it all to the bedroom for now so that I could set up THE TREADMILL!!! I haven’t walked or ran on the treadmill in like 2 weeks??? BEEN WAY TOO LONG. This morning after Katie went down for her nap, I decided to do some EXERCISE!! This morning I was a little sore from the kettlebell workout and I was trying to figure out what I wanted to do for today. Decided upon a 15 minute resistance rope workout based on the exercises in the workout booklet I have then FINALLY got back on the treadmill for 45 minutes at various speeds and various inclines! IT WAS AWESOME! Got a great sweat and that was the first good workout I’ve had in a long while. I hurridly went into the kitchen to fix my lunch then eventually went to sit outside and finish my frozen smoothie while Hubby mowed the yard. I also took some pictures of the pretty flowers in our backyard.

I went around the yard collecting sticks so that Brad wouldn’t run them over and that was fun!! I haven’t been outside barefooted in a long time either. After washing off, we loaded up and headed to get groceries. My first time riding in the Blazer! Really love it!!!!!!!! We both do! I fixed some oatmeal before we headed out and It was another bowl of DELICIOUS.
I am super sore and ready for a good night’s rest. I’ve got porkchops and shrimp baking in the oven right now plus some sweet peas on the stovetop. Just a few more minutes then we’ll eat dinner and watch last week’s episode of The Biggest Loser! Enjoy your evening everyone!
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