Here is our new set of pictures that we hung up recently that has pics of all of us plus all our church certificates. I love it!!!
Well, Katie screamed for 20 minutes last night before passing out then when she woke up this morning she automatically realized that it was just a SOCK on her hand and pulled it off because when I woke up and looked over at the video monitor she HAD THAT THUMB IN HER MOUTH and you could tell she was sucking it with all her might. SO today for her nap time I started using safety pins to pin the sock to her shirt and so far that has worked and I try to pin it on the inside. We’ll see how it goes!
One of the main things I try to do in ALL ways of my life is prepare…. examples!
– keeping a money budget then we’re all prepared for bills and groceries
– cutting up our fruits and veggies ahead of time so we have them on hand
– plan out all our meals for the week so I can automatically know what to cook without wondering
– write down a shopping list for groceries and sometimes even add it up as we shop to stay within budget
– same for my exercise, i try to plan out what i’m going to do that week with my workouts
I’m sure there are more but these prepations help keep me sane and help relieve worries. Today has been so busy!! We went and bought our groceries then came home a bit later so I had to put away groceries, fix Katie’s dinner, feed her and then I cut up some of our fruits and veggies. Went upstairs and got Katie’s stuff all ready for bath and bed then got her all set for bed and had to change her bed sheet since she was wet when I got her up earlier from nap and finally put her to bed! She hasn’t screamed tonight but she’s rolling around trying to get comfortable. Brad wants me to cut his hair so I guess I shall, I shall then get ready to start our dinner! TONIGHT we watch last weeks Biggest Loser, YAY!!!!!!!!
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