I set a new record today with my running!!! I did the best time for 1 mile that I’ve EVER done… 9:45!!! In total I did 3 miles in 31 minutes and I am feeling GOOD GOOD. My lungs started to hurt a bit when I was almost to a mile but I’ve taught myself to BREATHE certain ways to help me sustain and keep going!

I wanted to reflect on how the church has helped me open my eyes to my health that lead me to change my life in the way that I have.

The physical body is a gift from God. No mortal body is perfect; some persons are born with handicaps or serious disabilities. Nevertheless, in premortal life spirits looked forward with great anticipation to receiving a physical body. Latter-day Saints look upon the body as an essential component in the progress to become perfect, even as the Heavenly Father is perfect.

The health laws or commandments given in the scriptures are to teach mankind how to care for their bodies. Such laws have spiritual consequence. Obedience to health laws can enhance physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

Latter-day Saints are counseled not to take harmful and habit-forming things into their bodies. Tobacco, alcoholic beverages, coffee, tea, and drugs are to be avoided. Fruits, vegetables, herbs, grains, and fish are good for the body; meats, however, should be used sparingly.


I was taught about The Word of Wisdom and so began my new outlook on my BODY and HEALTH. Our bodies are such precious vessels and we need to take the best care of them and that is SOO important to me now.

I was reading an article today on healthy living and curbing hunger and wanted to share those things with you. If you find yourself often hungry and indulging too much in the foods that you shouldn’t then these tips would be GREAT for you! I know these tips have guided me.

~ Control Your Stress! Relax and breathe. A lot of times we find ourselves stressed and we look to food for that comfort. Many of the things we stress about we can’t change so why stress?
~ Drink Water! Make sure to keep your body hydrated throughout the day. I’ve found If I drink a bunch of water before I eat that helps or even to drink a lot of water WITH my meal.
~ Eat Often! Who would of thought! Yes, eat often. Small, healthy meals will help you kick those cravings and doing this will help lessen hunger pangs throughout your day.

Are you living a healthy life?