Wow.. since giving birth I have lost about 14 pounds! And I only gained 4 during pregnancy. This is the lightest I’ve weighed in a long long while and I can really tell by the way I feel!!
So last night was my 1st time to put Katie in her crib.. I let her sleep in there last night and kept an eye on her on the video monitor. That monitor is so cool!!! Just look how sweet:

She did excellent! I’d get her, feed her, change her diaper and put her back in the crib and she would zonk out for about 2 hours then I’d let her restle, fuss and even cry a little before I’d go get her for the next feeding and that way she’s nice and awake enough to really eat. She’s such a sleepy baby!
Today has been beyond wonderful. I love how Brad and I still hug and love on each other even now that Katie is here with us. Brad went to sleep last night around 10pm? He woke up a few times but I stayed up all night and dozed a tiny early this morning and I wanted Brad to get more sleep :] so I didn’t wake him up until almost 7:45AM. He got up and then I didn’t really feel that tired so I stayed up, ate and then layed down after 8AM. I told Brad to not let me sleep past 2PM so he came in and woke me up at 2PM. I didn’t want to sleep too much of the day away.
Late this afternoon we took Katie out for her first visit to the grocery store! We didn’t need to buy much so we just went to the store here in town instead of driving all the way out to Wal-Mart which is about a 30 or so minute trip. Gas = RIDICULOUS. I think it’s $3.83? here in town. Ugh. It was nice to get out to the store and espically to have her with us!! People commented on how tiny she is! It’s amazing when you have a baby people notice you automatically whereas before people didn’t blink an eye at us lol. Here’s Daddy getting her set to go in her carseat!

It’s almost time for her to eat again then get a diapie change and her wipe down bath! I have to say I am damn proud that I can pump/express my breastmilk for her. Makes me feel ultra ultra proud! I think I pumped about 11oz today, that’s pretty dang good and she only eats about 1 ounce every 2 or so hours so she has plenty of yummies! I’m so in love. So excited. Feel fantastic. Life is beautiful. <3 Tomorrow will be a week since I gave birth.. time is flying already.

People say she looks like her Daddy but has my nose! :] <333 I love her love her love her! We are gonna be B-U-S-Y the next few days. Tomorrow = 1st baby shower! SO EXCITED! Monday = Memorial Day. Tuesday = Brad’s 1st day back to work & 2nd baby shower! Wednesday = Katie’s 1st baby appointment + another appointment. Then after that who knows! Such an amazing time in our lives. My love meter is overflowing!!!!!!!! <333
God, she’s so beautiful Shellie!
She’s so adorable! I’m glad everything is going well and everything went well with the labor!
I am so happy for you!!