First off…… I woke up and got on the scale to find I’d lost 2 pounds this week!! Between the anti-Candida diet I started before the cleanse and on the juice cleanse – altogether I’ve lost 21 pounds in 5 weeks!!!! And only 11 more pounds until my GOAL WEIGHT. My body is really trimming down again and I am beyond stoked. So, I’m on a MISSION with my blog. You will see LOTS more pictures. I will try to make my blog more enteraining and not so bland, repetative and BORING.
What an amazing Saturday we’ve had!!!!!!!!!! Today was the day. My first solid food!! Here’s what I put together after I weighed myself this morning for my FIRST small plate’o goodies.

After getting Katie up and situated with her breakfast, I jumped right to my smoothie!

We dropped Katie off at Moms and talked to her before heading back home so I could CLEAN house!! Brad helped me by vacuuming the house – excellent!! Next up, LUNCH!!! I made a giant, epic salad!

I asked Brad if he wanted to go SWIMMING once I was done cleaning and eating so that’s what we did. We had a blast and I got to soak up some SUN. I want to get as tan as I was last year so we will be swimming lots now that my cleanse is over! We swam for about an hour and a half then decided to get out and go back home to wash off then get ready to head out. I took a few bites of my leftover salad before we left. Brad had gotten some coupons from work for a few different places and one of them was SMOOTHIE KING! Earlier this week, I went online and picked out which one I wanted already. I picked the low-carb chocolate and they add protein powder! In fact, 39g of protein and only 3g sugar! We headed out to our destination and got ALL the way out there and they were closed for re-modeling… whaaaaaat. I was disappointed but we tried to find the next closest one and didn’t know exactly how to get there but used Brad’s cellphone navigation program to help us but Brad got very frustrated to say the least. He was tired, his contacts were bugging him, it started pouring rain out of nowhere (BUT I SAW A RAINBOW even when he had just yelled at me…. haha) but eventually we found the road we were supposed to be on but wound up going in the opposite direction so had to turn around. After driving a little ways the other way… we found it! By the time we got there, it had cleared up. Obviously, just look at the clouds in the sky!

We headed back to pick Katie up then Brad bathed her and put her to bed! I went ahead and made my dessert and put it in the freezer to chill out! I wanted to eat the rest of my salad so I heated it up in a skillet and added a tiny bit of Brad’s noodles plus the burdock root to it. Oh, it was good. The noodles were a little spicy but… I like, I like!

My loooovely dessert!!!

My tummy is in heaven. Deffo FULL. I just wonder what’s going to happen as far as bowel movements… hm. Guess I will just have to wait and see. I’m feeding my body LOTS of goodies though! I feel good right now and hope I can sleep wonderfully tonight since I haven’t the last 5 nights or so.
EEK. It’s getting close to 11pm and I still haven’t put my lesson together for the kiddies at church tomorrow. My teaching partner isn’t gonna be there so I will have to do it alone – BUT I know I’ll do just fine. Thankful for this day and everything Heavenly Father has given me. I’m thankful for so much… including the juice cleanse that I went through! THANKFUL for wonderful healthy food that I want to eat the rest of my life. God is good. Life is great!
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