Today was pretty cool but pretty rushed all day long so that kindof gets me aggitated but it’s all okie! I got up this morning at 8AM, a little over an hour earlier than we usually get up. I got up earlier so I could get things done sooner (hopefully) because we had planned on going for a swim!!! Brad didn’t get up till uh.. I don’t know – I think it was close to 10AM. Got Katie up, fed her yadda yadda yaaa then eventually put her down for an earlier nap so she could get one in before we had to go and she did take one. Brad and I both got our exercise done then washed off, got things together then loaded up and headed out!

We had a very good, relaxing time out there. Katie was EXCELLENT! She didn’t whine, pout or cry the WHOLE time we were there!! AND she LOVED the water! I brought her 2 bath toys and she played with those the whole time she was in the water. I got to play in the sand and Brad and I took turns swimming and watching her. Then eventually we all got out, ate a snack then I laid on the beach towel and tried to soak up some good ole sun rays!!! It was PERFECT weather! The sun felt GOOD instead of blazing hot and there was a gentle breeze and scattered fluffy clouds. There was a tiny kitten that was on the beach area and Brad BADLY wanted to take it home. I kept saying NO. I’ve already got ENOUGH on my hands as it is. Kitty was very cute though… sorry but no! I got to sun bathe maybe almost an hour then we decided to go visit Brad’s Mom. I had a very nice time visiting with them!! Katie was excellent at their house too. We stayed for 2 hours then headed home and I was more than ready because I was starting to itch from sand crotch and was starving because I hadn’t eaten my snack. Got home, fed Katie, put all the stuff away, gave Katie a bath and put her to bed then Brad and I took a shower THEN I cooked my snack while also starting dinner and washing some dishes! Hows that for busy?? lol.

Eating dinner right now! ABOUT TO WATCH ONE. TREE. HILL!!!!!!!!! YEAH!