AWWWWH. My handsome hubby got all dressed up for work today so I wanted to snap a picture. I LOVE HIM TO BITS.

TODAY HAS BEEN EXCELLENT-AY! After I got Katie up and fed her, I went ahead and got my exercise done so she sat on the couch while I did my resistance rope DVD then I put her in the highchair so she could watch Lilo and Stitch in the living room while I did my bike workout in the kitchen. Today was SO SUNNY and beautiful that It was making me ITCH to get outside SO… after I was done with exercise and feeding Katie a snack, off we went! Loaded her in the stroller and bundled both of us up since It was QUITE chilly outside but It was lovely to just go outside. We walked one time around the apartments and then I realized It was too windy to walk so we went to the backporch to bask in the sun for a little bit. She started crying when we came near the front door, lol. I put her down for a nap and she slept for over 2 hours, possibly even more!!! WOOOO.
I just finished my own little french toast and banana sandwich and It was quite delish I must admit! Plus a side of a little chocolate soy milk. I got the idea from Caitlin’s blog! Thank you for the snack inspiration!!

I say this often but– I AM SO HAPPY. I truly am. I OWE IT ALL TO MY HEAVENLY FATHER for He has showed me this new way of living. OF BELIEVING!!! I WILL be happy, I WILL believe in myself and I WILL strive to help my faith grow each and every day. I WILL help motivate and inspire others because I know that is what He wants me to do and why not help others be positive about their lives?? I’m so happy with my life that I want to give my HEART to others and I shall, I shall!
Never GIVE IN, never GIVE UP!!!
haha never give in, never give up! thanks for the quote, it’s a good one XD
and i should learn new snacks. i eat the same things evarydeeey =.=
Oh your husband looks super snazzy in his work attire! He also looks so happy. I wish everyone looked that happy when they were about to go off to work.
I’m glad you had a productive day. Often times people don’t get out and do things during the day and I’m glad that you did. What a healthy and delicious snack, too. Way to go! I might have to steal it!
I’m glad you are so happy. I hope you continue to be inspired by those around you and by your faith. 🙂
I believe in karma, so those nasty people will have the same things done to them too.
It felt like such an accomplishment getting all that dust out from under my keys.
That was the first time I had been to the aquarium in AGES, and I did have a great time. 😀
Your husband looks yummy! Ahaha. I love how guys look so smart with a collared shirt and tie. It can’t go wrong. My boyfriend definitely looks good in it, but he prefers to be comfortable. 😛
I’m glad the sun finally came your way. 😀 Sometimes the sun is really nice when it’s sort of chilly because it’s not too hot. 🙂
I’ve never had a banana sandwich but I’ve had fried bananas… probably a little too much fat content there, though. 😛
That’s good that you’re feeling GREAT! Keep on smiling! 🙂