OMG-OMG-OMG-OMG. I’m so stoked. More on that in a moment, but first! How was your humpity hump day?! After Brad left for work, I sat down to drink my protein shake and watched the latest SECRET LIFE episode! I was really tired afterwards, so I decided to lay down for… 20 minutes? Well, 20 minutes turned into more like an hour and 20 minutes, lol. WOOPS. I woke up because the maintenance man was banging on the door so he could come spray our bathroom ceiling where the leak upstairs had left stains. GAAAAAAAAAH, I forgot how STRONG spray paint is. I could barely breathe. Turned on fan, cracked patio door, and kept everyone (kitty and Katie) out of the bathroom… except for me, because I had to PEE badly not even 5 minutes after they sprayed it. Ugh. I got my 2nd college discussion done, then by the time I was done with that – it was close to lunch time. Watched my OTH rerun while in the bath while Katie napped. When I got out I was debating on working on my college paper, or going to help my neighbor clean her apartment a bit since I told her I would. Hmmmmmmmmm. Figured I would try to call Mom to check on her because she’s been sick. No answer. Decide to go help neighbor! We talked and I helped clean her living room and vacuumed her whole house. It’s sooooooo nice to help! I need to go over to my Mom’s house and clean her place too. Mom called me while I was at my neighbor’s apartment and said she went to the Doc today. See, a few years ago the lung Doc found a mass on Mom’s lung and they have kept an eye on it to see if it changes, grows, etc. They went ahead and did another CT today, just to make sure it hadn’t changed, since it’s been like a year since her last one. They did find out she has an upper respiratory infection, so she got meds for that. Next, she’s gonna see about going to the stomach Doc to see what they can do for her. I really hope she can feel significantly better soon. She gets the results from the CT tomorrow. I eventually came back home to feed Katie & eat my own snack! I worked on my college paper a tiny bit… got a paragraph or so typed & almost got 2 pages done in total! Need atleast 6 and up to 8, but it’s a super easy paper so it won’t be a problemo to get done the next couple of days.

I had already gotten dressed for the gym after my bath earlier, lol. Prepared our stuff and waited for Brad! Had been wanting to kiss him all day, heh. Took Katie to friend’s house and zoomed off to the gym! Brad wasn’t feelin it as much tonight, since he was tired but he did good. SUMMARY >>>

warmup, elliptical, 10 minutes, 1.10 miles, 111 calories
bicep curl – 3X, 35lbs-40lbs, 10 reps
pectoral fly – 3X, 70lbs, 10 reps
pectoral rear – 3X, 45lbs, 10 reps
incline bench press – 1X, 45lbs, till max (~8ish reps?)
bench press – 1X, 25lbs, 10 reps
abs – till max
elliptical cross trainer (sitting down) – 20 minutes, 3 miles, 230 calories
TREADMILL!!! – 25 minutes, ~2 miles, ~200 calories

I’m WEAK on the benches lol but that’s alright. Brad was DONE after the bench press, so he went on ahead to start his cardio and I did some ab work, then went onto cardio. Decided to try out the elliptical cross trainer, since I had not tried that yet. Went for the fat burn workout….. HOLY HELL. The resistance was hella hard, but I pushed through. Yea, really felt it in my butt and upper thighs, down to the knees. I was still kindof sore from the LEGS workout yesterday, but I just kept going. The resistance would go up then come down, up, down, then finally settled a bit on the lower side THANK GOODNESS. I wasn’t sure how I would feel on the treadmill after that, but I went for it. I – ROCKED – IT. Wooow, I’m loving the treadmill as much as I used to ALREADY. I mostly jogged at 4.0, but also sped up a bit here and there. Eventually got up to 6.0 at the end. I put the TV on the music mix station and got into the music! I was lip syncing and moving my hands, lol because that’s what I used to do at home on my treadmill, so people are gonna get a laugh out of me prob but I don’t care! =D I was having a blast!!!!!! I JOGGED FOR 25 MINUTES STRAIGHT! Well, except I accidently pressed the stop button at 22 minutes, but I went right back to jogging but then lost my total milage and calories…. bah! That’s why I put the ~ sign beside the treadmill stats, cause I don’t know for sure but just an estimate. I could have went much longer and THAT makes me beyond HAAAPPPPPPPPPY. I felt strong, I felt GOOD. My only prob is my feet hurt a bit, but other than that I was feeling it – in fact, TMI my butt muscles were sore as I was jogging, lol. I want that fat OFF OF MEEEEEE. We actually got done almost an hour earlier, but we did arrive at the gym a bit earlier than usual too. Brad was really tired afterwards, so we just sat at the table up front for a bit…. I wasn’t ready to go home but he was, so … homebound! I made and gulped down a protein shake as soon as I got in the door! Got Katie home and Brad put her to bed. After I washed off I ate my turkey patty + veggies + a little tomato sauce. YUMS. We’re going to bed shortly, since we both need it. Spray paint man is coming back in the morning to put the final coat on the bathroom ceiling….. ugh I don’t wanna smell that again. Bleeeeeeeh.

Yikes, I cannot believe tomorrow is Thursday! Might be going to the park to meet up with a church friend in the morning…. we’ll see. Hope everyone has a fantastic night! Eat healthy, get some exercise, and embrace the positive thinking! That’s an order!!! ;D