edit: Woops…… 23rd is the first day of Fall, lol. Ah well!!!

Now If only our weather would cooperate to MATCH the fall temps! Today we got up in the 90’s and I think the earliest “break” from the heat we’re gonna see is Saturday I believe. I can’t wait for little bit cooler days! I DON’T like COLD COLD but I do like the cool, low humidity days of Fall! I do not look forward to Winter at all… nuh uh!!
I’ve had a very average day. Today was of course my online work day so I got up this morning and after breakfast, I got Katie up and let her play while I started the work. She’s been having trouble with constipation lately but she eventually went on the potty. I let her play in her highchair while I did a 20 minute kettlebell workout and wow, that really got me sweating! Afterwards, I set her up with a movie then got a shower and started to fix my lunch then eventually fed her and put her down for her nap. After lunch It was back to the work! I took a nap from 3:30PM-4:30PM but dozed in and out till almost 5PM before I finally got up to fix a snack then fix my hair. Later this evening I had this lovely….

I’ve never tried this flavor but I did like it! I like the larabars in general. More work work work! Eventually fixed dinner for both us and Katie then put her to bed. I had just a tiny bit more work to finish and so I got that done and now I just finished my dinner. Brad got home not long ago so we’re just gonna hang out for the rest of the evening till bed time!
These last several months have been soo rough. Between car troubles, hormone troubles, relationship troubles, money troubles, house troubles… I’m ready for some REALLY good times and I know their ahead. I KNOW it. I believe in Heavenly Father and will hold to the good things in this life no matter what hardships and difficulties come my way. Here’s to happiness!
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