We had plans to drop Katie off at Moms for the day then go try to get our car re-aligned and fixed.
First part of the plans went well. We dropped Katie off, went by Kroger’s since I wanted to pick up a few things then we came home and I finished cleaning house. Eventually, got everything sorted then fixed an AWESOME lunch right before we left:

Short story of our travel: Drove quite a distance to try to find a certain auto shop.. couldn’t find it so Brad had to look at his map on the cellphone. Found it… owner was not at the shop so Brad started to get aggrivated since we prob couldn’t get the car fixed today. We went to try another place… closed. Brad was highly pissed so he decided we weren’t going anywhere else. As we drove home, I said, “We could go elsewhere?” He replied with a FIRM NO. We could of had a great day today even with tho we didn’t get the car fixed!!!!! BUT NOoOOoOoO. We drove in silence all the way then he came home, laid around and took a nap. *sigh* I did a little college work, more research to help my liver then made a simple dinner! Used my flatbread to make mixed veggie and a little tuna plus honey mustard dressing on the wraps… so good. We picked up Katie from Moms then went to Wal-Mart so atleast I could say we got to go SOMEWHERE today, psh. I bought some canned beets, artichoke hearts and the spice tumeric… all of which are supposed to help out the liver. OH and I bought artichoke spinach hummus. Brad bought some Friday so I wanted some TOO since I’m trying to get in lots of artichokes – that are supposed to be #1 helper when it comes to the liver so yeah.
Not much else to say. I always try to be positive and not gonna let anything bring me down!!! Time to get a shower, fix my hot protein oatmeal dessert, get ready for my church lesson with the 8 yrs tomorrow and relax until bed! My idea of relaxation is facebook, foodie blogs, more health research since I love to stay informed as possible when I have health probs going on! I KNOW my liver needs to be boosted and restored so I will eat artichokes until my liver is happy again!
Hopefully next Saturday will be much better? I can hope! Maybe tomorrow will rock… yea, that sounds awesome to me and it will rock because it will be another day I have been blessed to have!!!
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