Here’s a pic I took today of our pilates performer in our extra room!

Dinner last night was so so SO good! Stuffed chicken breast, asparagus and steamed veggies! We didn’t go to bed till about 1AM then I kept waking up throughout the night about 3 times. I checked my watch one time and It was 5:45AM! I was anxious about my weigh-in. I woke up again at 8AM and decided to go ahead and weigh myself. HERE WE GO! Get the scale down and stepped on…. I lost … 5 POUNDS! YEAH!!! I knew It had to be SOMETHING because I worked my ass off this week! SO EXCITED!!!!@!$@#@ I now have LOST more than I need to lose! 40 down, 36 to go! That is a moment I’ve been waiting for – for a long time!! 10 more pounds and I will have LOST 50 POUNDS! So incredible!!! Tried to lay back in bed since Brad doesn’t get up till 9AM but couldn’t go back to sleep so I went ahead downstairs to post on my livejournal then cook my breakfast! Day has been pretty good except Katie was crabby earlier today but she was excellent tonight. I did my usual and cleaned the downstairs this morning and then the upstairs this afternoon then finished by sweeping and mopping the downstairs! Also got to talk to Mommy on the phone! Hmmmmmmmmm I think tonight I’m gonna play Sonic 2 a little then watch the 1st episode of SEASON 3 of One Tree Hill!!! HAHA Dan deserved to be poisoned and his dealership set on fire for all the BS he has pulled. I think he is the most ass faced characters I’ve seen on a show before.
Can’t wait for my lovie to get home so we can hang out and eat dinner!!!
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